





Reviews of topical problems

Thin-film condensation processes

Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, V.O. Bolshoii prosp. 61, St. Petersburg, 199178, Russian Federation

The status of knowledge of phase nucleation and growth processes on a solid surface in one- and multicomponent systems is surveyed. The formation kinetics and subsequent evolution of new phase islands are investigated. Models for film growth from the vapor and solution-melt are analyzed which include island distribution by size, the degree of coalescence, island orientation, morphological stability, etc. The Ostwald ripening of the ensembles of multicomponent islands of a new phase is considered for both the isothermal and non-isothermal cases and nonlinear effects involved in the growth of continuous structures are examined. The problem of controllable growth of new phase layers is discussed.

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PACS: 68.35.−p, 68.18.+p, 68.15.+e, 81.15.−z (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1998v041n10ABEH000461
Citation: Kukushkin S A, Osipov A V "Thin-film condensation processes" Phys. Usp. 41 983–1014 (1998)
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Оригинал: Кукушкин С А, Осипов А В «Процессы конденсации тонких пленок» УФН 168 1083–1116 (1998); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0168.199810b.1083

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