





Reviews of topical problems

Cylindrical magnetic domains

This review is devoted to a systematic exposition of theoretical and experimental results related to the physics of cylindrical magnetic domains (bubbles). The stability problem is discussed for an individual cylindrical domain and for a lattice of such domains, with allowance for the effect of the coercivity on the stability and dynamics of cylindrical domains. A detailed discussion is given of the laws of motion of cylindrical magnetic domains under the influence of inhomogeneities of magnetic field, temperature, and plate thickness. Phase transitions in a lattice of domains are considered, and the singularities of the magnetization and magnetic susceptibility in such phase transitions are determined. A theory is given for waves propagated in a lattice of domains. Detailed consideration is given to the effect of external factors and of the parameters of the magnetic material on the dynamical properties of a lattice of domains.

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1977v020n04ABEH005383
Citation: Bar’yakhtar V G, Gann V V, Gorobets Yu I, Smolenskii G A, Filippov B N "Cylindrical magnetic domains" Sov. Phys. Usp. 20 298–318 (1977)
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Оригинал: Барьяхтар В Г, Ганн В В, Горобец Ю И, Смоленский Г А, Филиппов Б Н «Цилиндрические магнитные домены» УФН 121 593–628 (1977); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0121.197704b.0593

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