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Non-equilibrium energy distributions over the vibrational degrees of freedom in gases

1. Introduction 47
2. Vibrational Relaxation 48
2.1. Introduction 48
2.2. Gas-kinetic Equations 48
2.3. Transition Probabilities 48
2.4. Vibrational Relaxation in an Isothermal System. Relaxation Equations 50
2.5. Vibrational Relaxation in an Isothermal System. Distribution of the Molecules over the Vibrational Levels 53
2.6. Vibrational Relaxation in an Isolated System. Gas-kinetic Equations 54
2.7. Vibrational Relaxation in an Isolated System. Distribution of the Molecules over the Vibrational Levels 56
3. Distribution of Vibrational Energy in Systems Containing Particle Sources 57
3.1. Introduction 57
3.2. Thermal Dissociation as a Negative Source of Vibrationally-excited Molecules 58
3.3. Distribution of Vibrational Energy in an Isolated System of Dissociating Molecules 60
3.4. Distribution of Vibrational Energy in a System Containing Positive Sources (Case of Low Concentration) 61
3.5. Distribution of Vibrational Energy in a One-component System Containing Positive Sources 63
References 65

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PACS: 33.20.Tp, 51.10.+y, 33.15.Hp, 33.15.Mt, 34.20.Gj (all)
DOI: 10.1070/PU1963v006n01ABEH003493
Citation: Osipov A I, Stupochenko E V "Non-equilibrium energy distributions over the vibrational degrees of freedom in gases" Sov. Phys. Usp. 6 47–66 (1963)
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Оригинал: Осипов А И, Ступоченко Е В «Неравновесные распределения энергии по колебательным степеням свободы в газах» УФН 79 81–113 (1963); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0079.196301c.0081

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