





Reviews of topical problems

Optical orientation of atoms and its applications

Introduction 177
I. The Optical Orientation of Atoms 178
II. The Optical Detection of the Orientation of Atoms 181
III. The Effect of Relaxation Phenomena on the Process of Optical Pumping 183
IV. Phenomenological Theory of Optical Orientation of Atoms 188
V. Detection of Radio-Frequency Resonance by the Optical Method. Determination of the Hyperfine Structure Constant and of Nuclear and Electronic g Factors 190
VI. Practical Applications of the Method of Optical Orientation of Atoms 194
VII. Orientation Produced by Exchange Collisions 198
VIII. The Study of Relaxation Processes by the Optical Method 200
IX. Optical Pumping in Solids 201
Conclusion 203
Literature 203

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DOI: 10.1070/PU1961v004n02ABEH003331
Citation: Skrotskii G V, Izyumova T G "Optical orientation of atoms and its applications" Sov. Phys. Usp. 4 177–204 (1961)
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Оригинал: Скроцкий Г В, Изюмова Т Г «Оптическая ориентация атомов и ее применения» УФН 73 423–470 (1961); DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0073.196103c.0423

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