PACS numbers

95.85.Sz Gravitational radiation, magnetic fields, and other observations
  1. A.V. Tutukov, A.M. Cherepashchuk “Evolution of close binary stars: theory and observationsPhys. Usp. 63 209–244 (2020)
    95.85.Sz, 97.60.−s, 97.80.−d (all)
  2. R.A. Stepanov, D.D. Sokoloff “Magnetic helicity and prospects for its observation in the interstellar mediumPhys. Usp. 62 1208–1213 (2019)
    47.65.Md, 95.85.Sz, 98.35.Eg (all)
  3. G.S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan, S.G. Moiseenko “Gravitational waves and core-collapse supernovaePhys. Usp. 60 843–850 (2017)
    04.80.Nn, 95.85.Sz, 97.60.Bw, 97.60.Lf (all)
  4. V.M. Lipunov “Astrophysical sense of the discovery of gravitational wavesPhys. Usp. 59 918–928 (2016)
    04.30.−w, 95.85.Sz, 97.80.−d (all)
  5. V.S. Imshennik “Rotational explosion mechanism for collapsing supernovae and the two-stage neutrino signal from supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic CloudPhys. Usp. 53 1081–1092 (2010)
    95.85.Sz, 97.60.Bw, 97.80.−d (all)
  6. L.P. Grishchuk, V.M. Lipunov et alGravitational wave astronomy: in anticipation of first sources to be detectedPhys. Usp. 44 1–51 (2001)
    04.30.−w, 04.80.Nn, 95.55.Ym, 95.85.Sz (all)
  7. V.B. Braginskii “Gravitational-wave astronomy: new methods of measurementsPhys. Usp. 43 691–699 (2000)
    04.30.−w, 04.80.Nn, 95.55.Ym, 95.85.Sz (all)
  8. V.V. Nesterov, A.A. Ovchinnikov et alProblems of space astrometry. Project LOMONOSOVSov. Phys. Usp. 33 (7) 580–582 (1990)
    95.85.Sz, 97.10.Ld, 97.10.Vm (all)
  9. V.N. Rudenko “Relativistic experiments in gravitational fieldsSov. Phys. Usp. 21 893–917 (1978)
    04.80.+z, 95.85.Sz
  10. S.I. Vainshtein, Ya.B. Zel’dovich “Origin of Magnetic Fields in Astrophysics (Turbulent ’Dynamo’ Mechanisms)Sov. Phys. Usp. 15 159–172 (1972)
    95.85.Sz, 95.30.Qd, 96.60.Hv, 97.10.Ld (all)
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