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Дорога к открытию гравитационных волн

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Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова, Физический факультет, Ленинские горы 1 стр. 2, Москва, 119991, Российская Федерация

14 сентября 2015 г. было зарегистрировано первое прямое детектирование гравитационной волны на двух детекторах LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) в США. Рассказывается о вкладе в это открытие группы под руководством В.Б. Брагинского физического факультета Московского государственного факультета им. М.В. Ломоносова .

Текст pdf (605 Кб)
English fulltext is available at DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2016.03.037811
Ключевые слова: гравитационные волны, интерферометр Advanced LIGO, шум в гравитационно-волновых детекторах, квантовые измерения
PACS: 04.30.−w, 04.80.Nn, 95.55.Ym (все)
DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.2016.03.037811
URL: https://ufn.ru/ru/articles/2016/9/g/
Цитата: Брагинский В Б, Биленко И А, Вятчанин С П, Городецкий М Л, Митрофанов В П, Прохоров Л Г, Стрыгин С Е, Халили Ф Я "Дорога к открытию гравитационных волн" УФН 186 968–974 (2016)
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Поступила: 19 мая 2016, 2 марта 2016

English citation: Braginsky V B, Bilenko I A, Vyatchanin S P, Gorodetsky M L, Mitrofanov V P, Prokhorov L G, Strigin S E, Khalili F Ya “Background to the discovery of gravitational wavesPhys. Usp. 59 879–885 (2016); DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.2016.03.037811

Список литературы (76) ↓ Статьи, ссылающиеся на эту (10) Похожие статьи (20)

  1. Abbott B P et al. (LIGO Scientific Collab., Virgo Collab.) "Observation of gravitational waves from a binary black hole merger" Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 061102 (2016)
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  8. Брагинский В Б, Митрофанов В П, Токмаков К В "Диссипация в струнных модах подвесов пробных масс гравитационных антенн" Докл. РАН 345 324 (1995); Braginskii V B, Mitrofanov V P, Tokmakov K V "Energy dissipation in violin modes of the test mass suspensions of gravitational-wave antennas" Phys. Dokl. 40 564 (1995)
  9. Willems P, Sannibale V, Weel J, Mitrofanov V "Investigations of the dynamics and mechanical dissipation of a fused silica suspension" Phys. Lett. A 297 37 (2002)
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  11. Prokhorov L G, Mitrofanov V P "Mechanical losses of oscillators fabricated in silicon wafers" Class. Quantum Grav. 32 195002 (2015)
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  13. Braginsky V B, Ryazhskaya O G, Vyatchanin S P "Notes about noise in gravitational wave antennas created by cosmic rays" Phys. Lett. A 350 1 (2006)
  14. Braginsky V B, Ryazhskaya O G, Vyatchanin S P "Limitations in quantum measurements resolution created by cosmic rays" Phys. Lett. A 359 86 (2006)
  15. Prokhorov L G, Khramchenkov P E, Mitrofanov V P "Measurement of relaxation of electrical charge distribution on fused silica sample" Phys. Lett. A 366 145 (2007)
  16. Prokhorov L G, Mitrofanov V P "Space charge polarization in fused silica test masses of a gravitational wave detector associated with an electrostatic drive" Class. Quantum Grav. 27 225014 (2010)
  17. Ageev A Yu, Bilenko I A, Braginsky V B, Vyatchanin S P "Measurement of excess noise in the suspension fiber for a gravitational wave detector" Phys. Lett. A 227 159 (1997)
  18. Ageev A Yu, Bilenko I A, Braginsky V B "Excess noise in the steel suspension wires for the laser gravitational wave detector" Phys. Lett. A 246 479 (1998)
  19. Bilenko I A, Braginsky V B, Markova N Yu "Thermal and excess noise in suspension fibres" Class. Quantum Grav. 19 2035 (2002)
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  22. Bondu F, Hello P, Vinet J-Y "Thermal noise in mirrors of gravitational wave antennas" Phys. Lett. A 246 227 (1998)
  23. Braginsky V B, Gorodetsky M L, Vyatchanin S P "Thermodynamical fluctuations and photo-thermal shot noise in gravitational wave antennae" Phys. Lett. A 264 1 (1999)
  24. Braginsky V B, Gorodetsky M L, Vyatchanin S P Optical Coatings and Thermal Noise in Precision Measurement (Eds G Harry, T P Bodiya, R DeSalvo) (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2012), Ch. 3
  25. Harry G M et al. "Thermal noise in interferometric gravitational wave detectors due to dielectric optical coatings" Class. Quantum Grav. 19 897 (2002)
  26. Gurkovsky A, Vyatchanin S "The thermal noise in multilayer coating" Phys. Lett. A 374 3267 (2010)
  27. Braginsky V B, Gorodetsky M L, Vyatchanin S P "Thermo-refractive noise in gravitational wave antennae" Phys. Lett. A 271 303 (2000)
  28. Gorodetsky M L, Grudinin I S "Fundamental thermal fluctuations in microspheres" J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 21 697 (2004)
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  30. Evans M et al. "Thermo-optic noise in coated mirrors for high-precision optical measurements" Phys. Rev. D 78 102003 (2008)
  31. Braginsky V B, Vyatchanin S P "Thermodynamical fluctuations in optical mirror coatings" Phys. Lett. A 312 244 (2003)
  32. Fejer M M, Rowan S, Cagnoli G, Crooks D R M, Gretarsson A, Harry G M, Hough J, Penn S D, Sneddon P H, Vyatchanin S P "Thermoelastic dissipation in inhomogeneous media: loss measurements and displacement noise in coated test masses for interferometric gravitational wave detectors" Phys. Rev. D 70 082003 (2004)
  33. Heinert D, Kroker S, Friedrich D, Hild S, Kley E-B, Leavey S, Martin I W, Nawrodt R, Tünnermann A, Vyatchanin S P, Yamamoto K "Calculation of thermal noise in grating reflectors" Phys. Rev. D 88 042001 (2013)
  34. Heinert D, Craig K, Grote H, Hild S, Lück H, Nawrodt R, Simakov D A, Vasilyev D V, Vyatchanin S P, Wittel H "Thermal noise of folding mirrors" Phys. Rev. D 90 042001 (2014)
  35. Braginsky V B, Vyatchanin S P "Corner reflectors and quantum-non-demolition measurements in gravitational wave antennae" Phys. Lett. A 324 345 (2004)
  36. Khalili F Ya "Reducing the mirrors coating noise in laser gravitational-wave antennae by means of double mirrors" Phys. Lett. A 334 67 (2005)
  37. Somiya K, Gurkovsky A G, Heinert D, Hild S, Nawrodt R, Vyatchanin S P "Reduction of coating thermal noise by using an etalon" Phys. Lett. A 375 1363 (2011)
  38. Gurkovsky A G, Heinert D, Hild S, Nawrodt R, Somiya K, Vyatchanin S P, Wittel H "Reducing thermal noise in future gravitational wave detectors by employing Khalili etalons" Phys. Lett. A 375 4147 (2011)
  39. Kondratiev N M, Gurkovsky A G, Gorodetsky M L "Thermal noise and coating optimization in multilayer dielectric mirrors" Phys. Rev. D 84 022001 (2011)
  40. Kondratiev N M, Braginsky V B, Vyatchanin S P, Gorodetsky M L "Spontaneous crystallization noise in mirrors of gravitational wave detectors" Phys. Rev. D 92 041101(R) (2015)
  41. Braginsky V B, Strigin S E, Vyatchanin S P "Parametric oscillatory instability in Fabry—Perot interferometer" Phys. Lett. A 287 331 (2001)
  42. Braginsky V B, Strigin S E, Vyatchanin S P "Analysis of parametric oscillatory instability in power recycled LIGO interferometer" Phys. Lett. A 305 111 (2002)
  43. Gurkovsky A G, Strigin S E, Vyatchanin S P "Analysis of parametric oscillatory instability in power recycled LIGO interferometer" Phys. Lett. A 362 91 (2007)
  44. Strigin S E, Vyatchanin S P "Analysis of parametric oscillatory instability in signal recycled LIGO interferometer with different arms" Phys. Lett. A 365 10 (2007)
  45. Gurkovsky A G, Vyatchanin S P "Parametric instability in GEO 600 interferometer" Phys. Lett. A 370 177 (2007)
  46. Strigin S E, Blair D G, Grass S, Vyatchanin S P "Numerical calculations of elastic modes frequencies for parametric oscillatory instability in Advanced LIGO interferometer" Phys. Lett. A 372 5727 (2008)
  47. Strigin S E, Vyatchanin S P "Analysis of parametric oscillatory instability in Fabry--Perot cavity with Gauss and Laguerre—Gauss main mode profile" Phys. Lett. A 374 1101 (2010)
  48. Ferdous F, Demchenko A A, Vyatchanin S P, Matsko A B, Maleki L Phys. Rev. A 90 033826 (2014)
  49. Matsko A B, Poplavskiy M V, Yamamoto H, Vyatchanin S P Phys. Rev. D 93 083010 (2016)
  50. Polyakov I A, Vyatchanin S P "Precursors of parametric oscillatory instability in LIGO interferometer" Phys. Lett. A 368 423 (2007)
  51. Danilishin S L, Vyatchanin S P, Blair D G, Li J, Zhao C "Time evolution of parametric instability in large-scale gravitational-wave interferometers" Phys. Rev. D 90 122008 (2014)
  52. Chen X et al. "Observation of three-mode parametric instability" Phys. Rev. A 91 033832 (2015)
  53. Evans M et al. "Observation of parametric instability in Advanced LIGO" Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 161102 (2015)
  54. Вятчанин С П "Параметрическая колебательная неустойчивость в лазерных гравитационных антеннах" УФН 182 324 (2012); Vyatchanin S P "Parametric oscillatory instability in laser gravitational antennas" Phys. Usp. 55 302 (2012)
  55. Вятчанин С П, Стрыгин С Е "Параметрическая колебательная неустойчивость в лазерных гравитационно-волновых детекторах" УФН 182 1195 (2012); Vyatchanin S P, Strigin S E "Parametric oscillatory instability in gravitational wave laser detectors" Phys. Usp. 55 1115 (2012)
  56. Брагинский В Б, Панов В И, Попельнюк В Д "Детектор малых механических колебаний для гравитационной антенны" Письма в ЖЭТФ 33 423 (1981); Braginskii V B, Panov V I, Popel'nyuk V D "Small-vibration detector for a gravitational antenna" JETP Lett. 33 405 (1981)
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  62. Брагинский В Б, Воронцов Ю И, Халили Ф Я "Квантовые особенности пондеромоторного измерителя электромагнитной энергии" ЖЭТФ 73 1340 (1977); Braginsky V B, Vorontsov Yu I, Khalili F Ya "Quantum singularities of a ponderomotive meter of electromagnetic energy" Sov. Phys. JETP 46 705 (1977)
  63. Брагинский В Б, Воронцов Ю И, Халили Ф Я "Оптимальные квантовые измерения в детекторах гравитационного излучения" Письма в ЖЭТФ 27 296 (1978); Braginsky V B, Vorontsov Yu I, Khalili F Ya "Optimal quantum measurements in detectors of gravitation radiation" JETP Lett. 27 276 (1978)
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  65. Braginsky V B, Khalili F Ja "Gravitational wave antenna with QND speed meter" Phys. Lett. A 147 251 (1990)
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  67. Braginsky V B, Gorodetsky M L, Khalili F Ya, Thorne K S "Dual-resonator speed meter for a free test mass" Phys. Rev. D 61 044002 (2000)
  68. Vyatchanin S P, Zubova E A, Matsko A B "On the quantum limit for resolution in force measurement using an optical displacement transducer" Opt. Commun. 109 492 (1994)
  69. Вятчанин С П, Мацко А Б "Квантовое вариационное измерение силы и компенсация нелинейного обратного влияния" ЖЭТФ 109 1873 (1996); Vyatchanin S P, Matsko A B "Quantum variational force measurement and the cancellation of nonlinear feedback" JETP 82 1007 (1996)
  70. Вятчанин С П, Мацко А Б "Квантовое вариационное измерение силы и компенсация нелинейного обратного влияния в интерферометрическом датчике смещений" ЖЭТФ 110 1252 (1996); Vyatchanin S P, Matsko A B "Quantum variational measurements of force and compensation of the nonlinear backaction in an interferometric displacement transducer" JETP 83 690 (1996)
  71. Kimble H J, Levin Yu, Matsko A B, Thorne K S, Vyatchanin S P "Conversion of conventional gravitational-wave interferometers into quantum nondemolition interferometers by modifying their input and/or output optics" Phys. Rev. D 65 022002 (2001)
  72. Braginsky V B, Gorodetsky M L, Khalili F Ya "Optical bars in gravitational wave antennas" Phys. Lett. A 232 340 (1997)
  73. Braginsky V B, Khalili F Ya "Low noise rigidity in quantum measurements" Phys. Lett. A 257 241 (1999)
  74. Khalili F Ya "Frequency-dependent rigidity in large-scale interferometric gravitational-wave detectors" Phys. Lett. A 288 251 (2001)
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