PACS numbers

92.60.Qx Storms
  1. B.Ya. Shmerlin, M.V. Kalashnik “Rayleigh convective instability in the presence of phase transitions of water vapor. The formation of large-scale eddies and cloud structuresPhys. Usp. 56 473–485 (2013)
    44.25.+f, 47.20.Bp, 47.27.De, 47.55.P−, 92.60.Ox, 92.60.Qx (all)
  2. E.R. Mustel’, V.E. Chertoprud, N.B. Mulyukova “Energy sources for atmospheric cyclonesSov. Phys. Usp. 28 526–526 (1985)
    92.60.Qx, 92.60.hv, 96.60.Q−, 94.30.Lr, 94.30.Xy (all)
  3. É.R. Mustel’ “Action of Solar Particle Fluxes on the Lower Layers of the Earth’s AtmosphereSov. Phys. Usp. 16 739–740 (1974)
    96.60.Q−, 92.60.hv, 94.30.Lr, 92.60.Ry, 92.60.Qx (all)
  4. I.M. Imyanitov, K.S. Shifrin “Present state of research on atmospheric electricitySov. Phys. Usp. 5 292–322 (1962)
    92.60.Pw, 92.60.Nv, 92.60.Qx (all)
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