PACS numbers

81.30.Bx Phase diagrams of metals, alloys, and oxides
  1. V.N. Mineev, A.I. Funtikov “Viscosity measurements on metal melts at high pressure and viscosity calculations for the earth’s corePhys. Usp. 47 671–686 (2004)
    62.50.+p, 66.20.+d, 81.30.Bx, 91.35.−x (all)
  2. E.N. Avrorin, B.K. Vodolaga et alIntense shock waves and extreme states of matterPhys. Usp. 36 (5) 337–364 (1993)
    62.50.+p, 64.60.Cn, 82.33.Vx, 81.30.Bx (all)
  3. L.V. Al’tshuler “Results of and prospects for experimental studies of extremal states of matterSov. Phys. Usp. 28 847–849 (1985)
    64.30.+t, 81.30.Bx, 65.40.−b (all)
  4. N.I. Kulikov, V.V. Tugushev “Spin-density waves and itinerant antiferromagnetism in metalsSov. Phys. Usp. 27 954–976 (1984)
    75.30.Fv, 75.50.Ee, 75.30.Kz, 71.18.+y, 75.10.Lp, 81.30.Bx (all)
  5. V.V. Evdokimova “Some relationships governing the P-T phase diagrams and polymorphic transformations of elements under high pressuresSov. Phys. Usp. 9 54–72 (1966)
    81.30.Bx, 81.30.Hd, 62.50.+p (all)
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