PACS numbers

79.20.Ds Laser-beam impact phenomena
  1. A.A. Ionin, S.I. Kudryashov, A.A. Samokhin “Material surface ablation produced by ultrashort laser pulsesPhys. Usp. 60 149–160 (2017)
    79.20.Eb, 79.20.Ds (all)
  2. V.S. Belyaev, V.P. Krainov et alGeneration of fast charged particles and superstrong magnetic fields in the interaction of ultrashort high-intensity laser pulses with solid targetsPhys. Usp. 51 793–814 (2008)
    41.75.Jv, 52.38.−r, 79.20.Ds (all)
  3. S.I. Anisimov, B.S. Luk’yanchuk “Selected problems of laser ablation theoryPhys. Usp. 45 293–324 (2002)
    42.55.Ah, 79.20.Ds, 81.15.Fg (all)
  4. F.V. Bunkin, M.I. Tribel’skii “Nonresonant interaction of high-power optical radiation with a liquidSov. Phys. Usp. 23 105–133 (1980)
    79.20.Ds, 64.70.Fx, 78.20.Hp (all)
  5. N.V. Karlov, A.M. Prokhorov “Selective processes induced by resonance laser radiation at the phase boundary of two mediaSov. Phys. Usp. 20 721–735 (1977)
    79.20.Ds, 82.65.My, 42.60.He
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