PACS numbers

61.05.fg Neutron scattering (including small-angle scattering)
  1. S.V. Demishev “Spin-fluctuation transitionsPhys. Usp. 67 22–43 (2024)
    05.40.−a, 05.70.Fh, 05.90.+m, 61.05.fg, 71.27.+a, 75.20.Ck, 75.20.En, 75.25.Dk, 75.30.Kz, 75.47.Np, 75.50.Pp, 76.30.−v (all)
  2. L.I. Miroshnichenko “Solar cosmic rays: 75 years of researchPhys. Usp. 61 323–352 (2018)
    61.05.fg, 61.46.−w, 75.50.Mm (all)
  3. M.V. Avdeev, V.L. Aksenov “Small-angle neutron scattering in structure research of magnetic fluidsPhys. Usp. 53 971–993 (2010)
    61.05.fg, 61.46.−w, 75.50.Mm (all)
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