PACS numbers

45.05.+x General theory of classical mechanics of discrete systems
  1. A.G. Shalashov “Can we refer to Hamilton equations for an oscillator with friction?Phys. Usp. 61 1082–1088 (2018)
    45.05.+x, 45.20.−d (all)
  2. A.A. Shatskiy, I.D. Novikov, N.S. Kardashev “The Kepler problem and collisions of negative massesPhys. Usp. 54 381–385 (2011)
    04.20.−q, 45.05.+x, 45.50.Pk (all)
  3. B.Ya. Zel’dovich “Impedance and parametric excitation of oscillatorsPhys. Usp. 51 465–484 (2008)
    05.45.Xt, 45.05.+x, 84.30.−r (all)
  4. V.A. Fabrikant “How the concept of acceleration took shape in the mechanics of GalileoSov. Phys. Usp. 34 (2) 201–201 (1991)
  5. P. Paradoksov “How quantum mechanics helps us understand classical mechanicsSov. Phys. Usp. 9 618–620 (1967)
    03.65.−w, 45.05.+x (all)
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