PACS numbers

42.62.Be Biological and medical applications 87.90.+y Other topics in biological and medical physics
  1. V.Yu. Zaitsev “Optical coherence tomography in elastography and angiographyPhys. Usp. 66 794–817 (2023)
    42.30.Ms, 42.30.Va, 42.30.Wb, 42.62.Be, 62.20.D−, 62.20.F− (all)
  2. B.V. Sokolenko, N.V. Shostka, O.S. Karakchieva “Optical tweezers and manipulators. Modern concepts and future prospectsPhys. Usp. 65 812–833 (2022)
    42.25.−p, 42.40.My, 42.50.Wk, 42.62.−b, 42.62.Be, 42.79.−e (all)
  3. I.V. Turchin “Methods of biomedical optical imaging: from subcellular structures to tissues and organsPhys. Usp. 59 487–501 (2016)
    42.25.Dd, 42.62.Be, 43.35.Sx, 87.64.−t, 87.64.Cc (all)
  4. S.V. Chekalin “Femtosecond spectroscopy of promising materialsPhys. Usp. 57 622–629 (2014)
    42.62.Be, 42.62.If, 42.65.Re, 63.20.kd, 63.20.−e, 78.47.J−, 78.47.jg (all)
  5. A.V. Korzhimanov, A.A. Gonoskov et alHorizons of petawatt laser technologyPhys. Usp. 54 9–28 (2011)
    41.75.Jv, 42.55.−f, 42.62.Be, 42.65.Yj, 52.38.Kd, 52.38.Ph (all)
  6. I.A. Shcherbakov “Laser physics in medicinePhys. Usp. 53 631–635 (2010)
    42.62.Be, 87.50.W−, 87.63.−d (all)
  7. S.V. Chekalin “The unique femtosecond spectrometric complex as an instrument for ultrafast spectroscopy, femtochemistry, and nanoopticsPhys. Usp. 49 634–641 (2006)
    01.10.Fv, 42.62.Be, 42.62.Fi, 42.65.Re (all)
  8. M.V. Fok “On D S Chernavskii’s paper ’’The origin of life and thinking from the viewpoint of modern physics’’Phys. Usp. 44 1093–1093 (2001)
    87.10.+e, 87.15.−v, 87.90.+y, 89.70.+c (all)
  9. D.S. Chernavskii “Reply to the letter by M V Fok received by the Physics-Uspekhi Editorial BoardPhys. Usp. 44 1093–1094 (2001)
    87.10.+e, 87.15.−v, 87.90.+y, 89.70.+c (all)
  10. A.F. Vanin “Nitric oxide and its detection in biological systems by the electron paramagnetic resonance techniquePhys. Usp. 43 415–417 (2000)
    87.64.−t, 87.64.Hd, 87.80.+s, 87.90.+y (all)
  11. E.V. Stepanov, V.A. Milyaev, Yu.G. Selivanov “Laser orthomolecular medical diagnosticsPhys. Usp. 43 417–421 (2000)
    42.62.Be, 87.80.+s, 87.90.+y (all)
  12. D.S. Chernavskii “The origin of life and thinking from the viewpoint of modern physicsPhys. Usp. 43 151–176 (2000)
    87.10.+e, 87.15.−v, 87.90.+y, 89.70.+c (all)
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