PACS numbers

34.50.Dy Interactions of atoms and molecules with surfaces; photon and electron emission; neutralization of ions
  1. M.L. Ter-Mikhaelyan “High energy electromagnetic processes in amorphous and inhomogeneous mediaPhys. Usp. 46 1231–1252 (2003)
    34.50.Dy, 41.20.−q, 41.60.−m (all)
  2. R.I. Garber, A.I. Fedorenko “Focusing of atomic collisions in crystalsSov. Phys. Usp. 7 479–507 (1965)
    34.50.Dy, 79.20.Rf, 61.50.−f (all)
  3. V.B. Leonas “The present state and some new results of the molecular-beam methodSov. Phys. Usp. 7 121–144 (1964)
    39.10.+j, 34.20.Gj, 34.50.Dy, 79.20.Rf (all)
  4. S.Z. Belen’kii, I.P. Ivanenko “Cascade theory of showersSov. Phys. Usp. 2 912–957 (1960)
    34.50.Dy, 32.80.Cy, 34.50.Bw, 31.15.Bs (all)
  5. Ya.M. Fogel’ “The production of negative ions in atomic collisionsSov. Phys. Usp. 3 390–416 (1960)
    34.50.Dy, 34.50.Bw, 34.70.+e (all)
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