PACS numbers

33.80.−b Photon interactions with molecules
  1. G.N. Makarov “Towards molecular laser separation of uranium isotopesPhys. Usp. 65 531–566 (2022)
    07.77.Gx, 28.60.+s, 33.80.−b, 36.40.−c, 42.62.−b, 42.62.Fi, 82.50.Bc (all)
  2. G.N. Makarov “New results for laser isotope separation using low-energy methodsPhys. Usp. 63 245–268 (2020)
    07.77.Gx, 33.80.−b, 36.40.−c, 42.62.−b, 42.62.Fi, 82.40.Fp, 82.50.Bc (all)
  3. G.N. Makarov “Control of the parameters and composition of molecular and cluster beams by means of IR lasersPhys. Usp. 61 617–644 (2018)
    06.30.−k, 07.77.Gx, 33.80.−b, 36.40.−c, 41.75.Jv, 42.62.Fi, 82.50.Hp (all)
  4. G.N. Makarov “Laser IR fragmentation of molecular clusters: the role of channels for energy input and relaxation, influence of surroundings, dynamics of fragmentationPhys. Usp. 60 227–258 (2017)
    07.77.Gx, 33.80.−b, 36.40.−c, 37.20.+j, 42.62.Fi, 81.07.−b, 82.50.Bc (all)
  5. G.N. Makarov “Low energy methods of molecular laser isotope separationPhys. Usp. 58 670–700 (2015)
    07.77.Gx, 33.80.−b, 36.40.−c, 42.62.−b, 42.62.Fi, 82.40.Fp, 82.50.Bc (all)
  6. S.S. Alimpiev, A.A. Grechnikov, S.M. Nikiforov “New approaches to the laser mass spectrometry of organic samplesPhys. Usp. 58 191–195 (2015)
    33.80.−b, 42.62.−b, 81.70.−q (all)
  7. G.N. Makarov “On the possibility of selecting molecules embedded in superfluid helium nanodroplets (clusters)Phys. Usp. 49 1131–1150 (2006)
    28.60.+s, 33.80.−b, 36.40.−c, 42.62.Fi (all)
  8. G.N. Makarov “Selective processes of IR excitation and dissociation of molecules in gasdynamically cooled jets and flowsPhys. Usp. 48 37–76 (2005)
    33.80.−b, 42.62.Fi, 82.40.Fp, 82.50.Bc (all)
  9. G.N. Makarov “Spectroscopy of single molecules and clusters inside helium nanodroplets. Microscopic manifestation of 4He superfluidityPhys. Usp. 47 217–247 (2004)
    33.80.−b, 42.62.Fi, 67.40.−w (all)
  10. G.N. Makarov “Studies on high-intensity pulsed molecular beams and flows interacting with a solid surfacePhys. Usp. 46 889–914 (2003)
    33.80.−b, 42.62.Fi, 82.40.Fp, 82.50.Bc (all)
  11. V.S. Lebedev, L.P. Presnyakov, I.I. Sobel’man “Radiative transitions in the molecular H2+ ionPhys. Usp. 46 473–491 (2003)
    31.15.−p, 31.50.Gh, 33.80.−b (all)
  12. G.I. Lashkov “Energy transport involving triplet states in phase recording of light.Sov. Phys. Usp. 29 288–289 (1986)
    33.80.−b, 33.70.Jg (all)
  13. N.B. Baranova, B.Ya. Zel’dovich “Two approaches to spatial dispersion in molecular scattering of lightSov. Phys. Usp. 22 143–159 (1979)
    33.80.−b, 42.65.Cq
  14. V.S. Letokhov “Selective action of laser radiation on matterSov. Phys. Usp. 21 405–428 (1978)
    28.60.+s, 82.50.−m, 32.80.−t, 33.80.−b (all)
  15. T.P. Belikova, É.A. Sviridenkov, A.F. Suchkov “Ultrahigh-Sensitivity High-Speed Laser Spectrocopsy of Radicals and MoleculesSov. Phys. Usp. 17 441–442 (1974)
    33.80.−b, 33.20.−t (all)
  16. B.F. Gordiets, A.I. Osipov et alVibrational relaxation in gases and molecular lasersSov. Phys. Usp. 15 759–785 (1973)
    33.15.Mt, 33.80.−b, 51.10.+y, 82.30.Lp (all)
  17. A.M. Bonch-Bruevich, Yu.N. Denisyuk et alBoris Ivanovich Stepanov (on his sixtieth birthday)Sov. Phys. Usp. 16 442–443 (1973)
    01.60.+q, 33.50.−j, 33.20.Vq, 33.80.−b, 42.50.−p (all)
  18. G.N. Makarov “Laser separation of boron isotopes: research results and technological implementation optionsPhys. Usp., accepted
    07.77.Gx, 28.60.+s, 33.80.−b, 36.40.−c, 42.62.−b, 42.62.Fi, 82.50.Bc (all)
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