PACS numbers

25.75.−q Relativistic heavy-ion collisions
  1. A.V. Butenko, O.I. Brovko et alNICA Booster: a new-generation superconducting synchrotronPhys. Usp. 66 195–212 (2023)
    25.75.−q, 29.20.db (all)
  2. I.M. Dremin “Ultraperipheral nuclear interactionsPhys. Usp. 63 758–765 (2020)
    12.20.−m, 25.75.−q, 34.50.−s (all)
  3. A.O. Sidorin, G.V. Trubnikov, N.A. Shurkhno “Experimental and theoretical JINR studies on the development of stochastic cooling of charged particle beamsPhys. Usp. 59 264–278 (2016)
    25.75.−q, 29.20.db (all)
  4. S. Peigné, A.V. Smilga “Energy losses in relativistic plasmas: QCD versus QEDPhys. Usp. 52 659–685 (2009)
    12.38.Mh, 25.75.−q, 52.27.Ny, 61.85.+p (all)
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