PACS numbers

25.45.Hi Transfer reactions
  1. V.A. Tsarev “Anomalous nuclear effects in solids (’cold fusion’): questions still remainSov. Phys. Usp. 35 (10) 842–856 (1992)
    25.45.Hi, 24.10.−i, 27.10.+h (all)
  2. A.I. Akishin, V.V. Balashov et alIgor’ Borisovich Teplov (Obituary)Sov. Phys. Usp. 35 (9) 809–810 (1992)
    01.60.+q, 25.45.Hi, 23.20.En, 21.60.Cs, 21.60.Gx, 24.50.+g (all)
  3. V.A. Tsarev “New data on low-temperature fusion (based on materials of the conference in Provo, Utah, USA; October 22-24, 1990)Sov. Phys. Usp. 34 (4) 340–352 (1991)
    25.45.Hi, 27.10.+h, 14.20.Dh, 01.30.Cc (all)
  4. S.S. Gershtein, Yu.V. Petrov, L.I. Ponomarev “Muon catalysis and nuclear breedingSov. Phys. Usp. 33 (8) 591–615 (1990)
    25.45.Hi, 27.10.+h, 12.20.Ds, 36.10.Dr, 25.85.Ec, 27.90.+b (all)
  5. L.I. Men’shikov, L.N. Somov “Status of muon catalysis of nuclear fusion reactionsSov. Phys. Usp. 33 (8) 616–646 (1990)
    25.45.Hi, 27.10.+h, 36.10.Dr, 23.20.Lv, 23.20.Js (all)
  6. A.G. Sitenko “Interaction of deuterons with nucleiSov. Phys. Usp. 2 195–235 (1959)
    25.45.De, 25.45.Hi, 24.50.+g, 24.10.Ht, 21.30.−x (all)
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