PACS numbers

11.25.−w Strings and branes 12.10.−g Unified field theories and models 12.60.−i Models beyond the standard model
  1. K.A. Gubarev, E.T. Musaev “Integrability structures in string theoryPhys. Usp. 67 219–250 (2024)
    02.30.Ik, 04.65.+e, 11.25.−w (all)
  2. M.N. Achasov, V.E. Blinov et alExperiments at the Super Charm-Tau factoryPhys. Usp. 67 55–70 (2024)
    12.38.−t, 12.60.−i, 29.20.db (all)
  3. R.B. Nevzorov “Phenomenological aspects of supersymmetric extensions of the Standard ModelPhys. Usp. 66 543–575 (2023)
    12.10.−g, 12.60.Fr, 12.60.Jv (all)
  4. S.N. Vergeles, N.N. Nikolaev et alGeneral relativity effects in precision spin experimental tests of fundamental symmetriesPhys. Usp. 66 109–147 (2023)
    03.65.Sq, 04.20.Cv, 04.62.+v, 11.30.Fs, 12.60.−i, 14.80.Va, 29.20.db, 29.27.Hj (all)
  5. V.A. Bednyakov, E.V. Khramov “Search for supersymmetry with R-parity violation at the ATLAS facilityPhys. Usp. 65 997–1019 (2022)
    12.10.−g, 12.60.Jv, 29.20.−c (all)
  6. E.E. Boos “The SMEFT formalism: the basis for finding deviations from the Standard ModelPhys. Usp. 65 653–676 (2022)
    12.15.−y, 12.60.−i, 14.80.Bn (all)
  7. S.N. Gninenko, N.V. Krasnikov, V.A. Matveev “Search for light dark matter in the NA64 experimentPhys. Usp. 64 1286–1310 (2021)
    12.60.−i, 12.60.Cn, 13.20.Cz (all)
  8. V.I. Zhukova, A.V. Nefediev et alSuper-factory of bottomed hadrons Belle IIPhys. Usp. 64 468–494 (2021)
    12.10.−g, 13.25.−k, 29.20.−c (all)
  9. M.I. Vysotsky, E.V. Zhemchugov “Equivalent photons in proton and ion—ion collisions at the LHCPhys. Usp. 62 910–919 (2019)
    12.20.−m, 12.60.−i, 13.60.−r (all)
  10. B. Heinemann, Y. Nir “The Higgs program and open questions in particle physics and cosmologyPhys. Usp. 62 920–930 (2019)
    12.10.−g, 12.60.−i, 14.80.−j (all)
  11. A.P. Serebrov “Disagreement between measurements of the neutron lifetime by the ultracold neutron storage method and the beam techniquePhys. Usp. 62 596–601 (2019)
    06.20.−f, 12.60.−i, 14.20.Dh (all)
  12. D.I. Kazakov “Prospects of elementary particle physicsPhys. Usp. 62 364–377 (2019)
    11.25.−w, 12.10.−g, 12.60.−i (all)
  13. M.I. Vysotskii, A.D. Dolgov, V.A. Novikov “70 years of ITEP: some theoretical resultsPhys. Usp. 59 787–795 (2016)
    01.65.+g, 11.10.−z, 12.10.−g (all)
  14. V.A. Bednyakov, I.V. Yeletskikh et alAnomalously interacting Z* bosons — an example of JINR contribution to physics at LHCPhys. Usp. 59 403–410 (2016)
    12.15.−y, 12.60.−i, 13.85.−t, 14.80.−j (all)
  15. E.E. Boos, O. Brandt et alThe top quark (20 years after the discovery)Phys. Usp. 58 1133–1158 (2015)
    12.10.−g, 12.38.−t, 12.60.−i, 14.65.Ha (all)
  16. A.P. Serebrov “Fundamental interactions involving neutrons and neutrinos: reactor-based studies led by the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute") [PNPI (NRC KI)]Phys. Usp. 58 1074–1094 (2015)
    11.30.Er, 12.60.−i, 14.20.Dh, 14.60.St (all)
  17. E.E. Boos “Standard Model and predictions for the Higgs bosonPhys. Usp. 57 912–923 (2014)
    12.15.−y, 12.60.−i, 14.80.Bn (all)
  18. A.V. Lanev “CMS results: Higgs boson and search for new physicsPhys. Usp. 57 923–930 (2014)
    11.30.−j, 12.15.−y, 12.60.−i, 14.70.−e, 14.80.Bn, 95.35.+d (all)
  19. D.I. Kazakov “The Higgs boson is found: what is next?Phys. Usp. 57 930–942 (2014)
    12.15.−y, 12.60.−i, 14.80.−j (all)
  20. D.S. Gorbunov “Sterile neutrinos and their roles in particles physics and cosmologyPhys. Usp. 57 503–511 (2014)
    12.60.−i, 14.60.Pq, 95.30.Cq (all)
  21. S.I. Blinnikov “Mirror matter and other dark matter modelsPhys. Usp. 57 183–188 (2014)
    12.60.−i, 95.30.−k, 95.35.+d (all)
  22. V.A. Rubakov “Large Hadron Collider’s discovery of a new particle with Higgs boson propertiesPhys. Usp. 55 949–957 (2012)
    12.15.−y, 12.60.−i, 14.80.Bn (all)
  23. L.B. Okun “Particle physics prospects: August 1981Phys. Usp. 55 958–962 (2012)
    01.10.Fv, 12.15.−y, 12.60.−i, 14.80.−j (all)
  24. L.B. Okun “Epilogue to the discovery of a particle similar to the Higgs boson: August 2012Phys. Usp. 55 963–964 (2012)
    01.30.Ww, 01.65.+g, 12.10.−g, 12.60.−i (all)
  25. S.V. Troitsky “Unsolved problems in particle physicsPhys. Usp. 55 72–95 (2012)
    11.90.+t, 12.10.−g, 12.38.−t, 12.60.−i (all)
  26. Yu.G. Kudenko “Study of neutrino oscillations in long-baseline accelerator experimentsPhys. Usp. 54 549–572 (2011)
    12.60.−i, 14.60.Pq, 25.30.Pt (all)
  27. In memory of V L Ginzburg (Scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 27 October 2010)Phys. Usp. 54 633–653 (2011)
    01.10.Fv, 12.60.−i, 95.35.+d, 98.80.−k (all)
  28. V.A. Rubakov “Cosmology and the Large Hadron ColliderPhys. Usp. 54 633–641 (2011)
    12.60.−i, 95.35.+d, 98.80.−k (all)
  29. E.E. Boos, M.N. Dubinin “Problems of automatic calculation for collider physicsPhys. Usp. 53 1039–1051 (2010)
    02.70.−c, 12.10.−g, 12.38.Cy (all)
  30. I.M. Dremin “Physics at the Large Hadron ColliderPhys. Usp. 52 541–548 (2009)
    12.10.−g, 12.60.−i, 29.20.db (all)
  31. I.F. Ginzburg “Unsolved problems in fundamental physicsPhys. Usp. 52 495–498 (2009)
    01.70.+w, 11.15.−q, 12.60.−i (all)
  32. V.A. Ryabov, V.A. Tsarev, A.M. Tskhovrebov “The search for dark matter particlesPhys. Usp. 51 1091–1121 (2008)
    12.60.−i, 29.40.−n, 95.35.+d (all)
  33. A.E. Bondar, P.N. Pakhlov, A.O. Poluektov “Observation of CP violation in B-meson decaysPhys. Usp. 50 669–690 (2007)
    11.15.Ex, 11.30.Fs, 12.60.−i, 13.20.He, 14.40.Nd (all)
  34. L.B. Okun “Mirror particles and mirror matter: 50 years of speculation and searcPhys. Usp. 50 380–389 (2007)
    01.10.Fv, 01.65.+g, 11.30.Er, 12.60.−i (all)
  35. V.A. Rubakov “Hierarchies of fundamental constants (to items Nos 16, 17, and 27 from Ginzburg’s list)Phys. Usp. 50 390–396 (2007)
    01.10.Fv, 12.60.−i, 95.35.+d, 95.36.+x (all)
  36. Ch. Grojean “New approaches to electroweak symmetry breakingPhys. Usp. 50 1–35 (2007)
    12.15.−y, 12.60.−i, 14.80.Bn, 14.80.Cp (all)
  37. V.A. Ryabov “Ultrahigh-energy neutrinos from astrophysical sources and superheavy particle decaysPhys. Usp. 49 905–936 (2006)
    12.60.−i, 13.15.+g, 95.55.Vj, 95.85.Ry, 96.50.S− (all)
  38. A.S. Gorskii “Gauge theories as string theories: the first resultsPhys. Usp. 48 1093–1108 (2005)
    11.15.−q, 11.25.−w, 11.25.Tq, 11.30.Pb (all)
  39. A.O. Barvinskii “Cosmological branes and macroscopic extra dimensionsPhys. Usp. 48 545–575 (2005)
    04.50.+h, 11.25.−w, 98.80.Cq (all)
  40. S.S. Gershtein “Ya B Zel’dovich’s contribution to modern particle physicsPhys. Usp. 47 845–852 (2004)
    01.65.+g, 12.10.−g (all)
  41. N.V. Krasnikov, V.A. Matveev “The search for new physics at the Large Hadron ColliderPhys. Usp. 47 643–670 (2004)
    12.10.−g, 12.60.−i, 14.80.Bn (all)
  42. L.G. Landsberg “Flavor changing neutral currents and rare decays of K-mesonsPhys. Usp. 46 995–1051 (2003)
    11.30.Er, 12.10.Dm, 12.60.−i, 13.20.Eb (all)
  43. A.V. Marshakov “String theory or field theory?Phys. Usp. 45 915–954 (2002)
    11.15.−q, 11.25.−w, 12.20.−m (all)
  44. V.A. Rubakov “Large and infinite extra dimensionsPhys. Usp. 44 871–893 (2001)
    04.50.+b, 11.25.Mj, 12.60.−i (all)
  45. E.P. Shabalin “What can be expected from the further study of CP and T symmetry violation and CPT invariance testsPhys. Usp. 44 895–918 (2001)
    11.30.Er, 12.15.Hh, 12.60.−i (all)
  46. M.I. Vysotskii, R.B. Nevzorov “Selected problems of supersymmetry phenomenologyPhys. Usp. 44 919–930 (2001)
    12.10.−g, 12.60.Jv, 14.80.Cp, 95.35.+d (all)
  47. A. Bettini “Physics beyond the Standard Model: experiments at the Gran Sasso LaboratoryPhys. Usp. 44 931–954 (2001)
    12.60.−i, 14.60.Pq, 26.65.+t, 95.35.+d (all)
  48. E.T. Akhmedov “Correspondence between supersymmetric Yang-Mills and supergravity theoriesPhys. Usp. 44 955–971 (2001)
    04.65.+e, 11.25.−w, 12.60.Jv (all)
  49. B.L. Voronov “On the International Conference ’Quantization, Gauge Theories, and Strings’Phys. Usp. 44 827–831 (2001)
    01.10.Fv, 11.15.−q, 11.25.−w (all)
  50. B.L. Voronov, V.L. Ginzburg, E.L. Feinberg “International Conference ’Quantization, Gauge Theories, and Strings’ devoted to the memory of Efim Samoilovich Fradkin (Moscow, 5 — 10 June 2000)Phys. Usp. 44 827–831 (2001)
    01.10.Fv, 11.15.−q, 11.25.−w (all)
  51. G. Veneziano “An evolving look at Pomeranchuk scatteringPhys. Usp. 43 177–180 (2000)
    11.55.Jy, 11.15.Pg, 11.25.−w, 12.38.−t, 12.40.Nn (all)
  52. S.G. Gukov “Introduction to string dualitiesPhys. Usp. 41 627–638 (1998)
    02.10.Sp, 11.25.−w, 11.55.−m (all)
  53. M.V. Danilov “Search for CP violation in B-meson decaysPhys. Usp. 41 559–568 (1998)
    11.15.Ex, 11.30.Fs, 12.60.−i, 13.20.He, 14.40.Nd (all)
  54. K.L. Zarembo, Yu.M. Makeenko “An introduction to matrix superstring modelsPhys. Usp. 41 1–23 (1998)
    02.10.Sp, 11.15.−q, 11.25.−w (all)
  55. I.B. Khriplovich “The discovery of the nuclear anapole momentPhys. Usp. 40 1161–1162 (1997)
    11.30.−j, 12.60.−i, 24.80.-x (all)
  56. A.V. Semenov “Observation of very-large-Q2 anomalous events in ep collisions on the HERA colliderPhys. Usp. 40 739–740 (1997)
    12.60.−i, 13.90.+i, 29.90.+r (all)
  57. A.Yu. Morozov “Erratum: String theory: what is it? [Sov. Phys. Usp. 35, 671-714 (August 1992)]Sov. Phys. Usp. 35 (11) 1003–1003 (1992)
    11.25.−w, 12.10.Dm, 11.10.−z (all)
  58. A.Yu. Morozov “String theory: what is it?Sov. Phys. Usp. 35 (8) 671–714 (1992)
    11.25.−w, 12.10.Dm, 11.10.−z (all)
  59. B.L. Al’tshuler “The scientific works of A. D. SakharovSov. Phys. Usp. 34 (5) 362–374 (1991)
    52.55.Fa, 28.52.−s, 98.80.Cq, 11.30.Er, 04.60.−m, 11.25.−w (all)
  60. A.D. Mironov “Introduction to string theorySov. Phys. Usp. 33 (11) 990–991 (1990)
  61. A.Yu. Zakharov “Models in statistical physics and quantum field theorySov. Phys. Usp. 33 (6) 491–491 (1990)
    01.30.Vv, 64.60.Cn, 64.60.Fr, 11.10.−z, 11.15.Ha, 11.25.−w (all)
  62. A.Yu. Morozov “Current work in string theorySov. Phys. Usp. 32 645–646 (1989)
    01.30.Vv, 11.25.−w, 11.10.Lm, 11.15.−q (all)
  63. A.I. Golutvin, M.V. Danilov, Yu.M. Zaitsev “B-Meson oscillationsSov. Phys. Usp. 32 189–199 (1989)
    13.25.Hw, 14.40.Nd, 11.30.Er, 12.10.−g (all)
  64. V.A. Matveev, V.A. Rubakov et alNonconservation of baryon number under extremal conditionsSov. Phys. Usp. 31 916–939 (1988)
    11.30.Fs, 14.80.Hv, 11.30.Ly, 12.10.−g, 11.15.−q, 98.80.Cq (all)
  65. A.A. Tseitlin “Unified string theoriesSov. Phys. Usp. 30 1012–1013 (1987)
    01.30.Vv, 11.25.Hf, 11.30.Pb, 11.15.−q, 12.10.−g (all)
  66. A.M. Semikhatov “Unification and supersymmetrySov. Phys. Usp. 30 657–658 (1987)
    01.30.Vv, 11.30.Pb, 12.10.−g, 11.30.Er, 11.30.Ly (all)
  67. L.B. Okun’ “High-energy physics—86Sov. Phys. Usp. 30 246–251 (1987)
    11.30.Ly, 11.30.Pb, 11.25.−w, 11.30.Er, 13.25.Es, 01.30.Cc (all)
  68. L.N. Smirnova, M.A. Shifman, E.V. Shuryak “Eleventh school on quantum chromodynamics and grand unification modelsSov. Phys. Usp. 29 1071–1074 (1986)
    01.40.E−, 11.25.Mj, 11.30.Pb, 12.10.−g, 12.38.−t, 13.40.Em (all)
  69. M.G. Shchepkin “Double beta decay and the neutrino massSov. Phys. Usp. 27 555–578 (1984)
    23.40.Bw, 12.10.−g, 14.60.Lm, 14.60.Pq, 27.60.+j (all)
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