Charge radius of the proton
1 August 2010
R. Pohl (Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics) and coworkers
established a better value for the charge radius (the mean square radius of
charge distribution) of the proton by measuring the Lamb shift (energy
difference between the levels 2s1/2F=1 and 2p3/2F=2 which arises due to radiative
corrections) in muonic hydrogen atoms μp in which the electron of the
ordinary hydrogen atom is replaced with a muon. As compared with the ordinary
hydrogen, the advantage of using μp lies in the fact that the muon is on
the average 200 times closer to the nucleus than the electron, and therefore the
finite size of the nucleus has a greater effect on the wave function of the muon
in the s-state. As a result it was possible to improve the accuracy of measuring
the charge radius of the proton approximately ten-fold. In the
experiment we describe, the μp atoms formed in collisions of the beam of
muons with a hydrogen target; in some of of these collisions muons replaced
electrons, forming highly excited μp atoms. Laser radiation caused
transitions 2s → 2p and the spectrum of x-ray radiation of 2p → 1s transitions
was observed using an array of 20 avalanche photodiodes; the Lamb shift was
calculated with high accuracy from the measured position of the resonance peak in the
spectrum. The charge radius was obtained by combining experimental data and
quantum electrodynamics computations. Therefore, the correctness of theoretical
calculations significantly affects the result. The new value of the charge
radius rp = 0,84184 ± 67 fm was found to be 4% less than previously
accepted. The discrepancy with the previous results which were mostly obtained using
ordinary hydrogen comes to about five standard deviations. The cause of the
discrepancy has not been understood so far but it could tentatively
be an unknown systematic error in measurements or insufficient accuracy of
theoretical computations.
Source: Nature 466 213
Photoemission delay in neon atoms
1 August 2010
М. Schultze (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat, Germany) and his colleagues
measured the delay time between acts of emission of electrons from 1р and 1s
electron orbitals of the neon atom caused by ultrashort light pulses.
The measured interval was (21 ± 5) × 10-18 s. The
experiment was carried out by illuminating neon with synchronized IR and UV
laser pulses causing photoemission of electrons and measuring the time shift of
electron spectrograms relative to the initial pulse. It is usually assumed that
photon absorption and electron emission in photoemission occur simultaneously. A
more accurate approach requires to take account of the finite time necessary to
transform the wave function of the electron in the atom into the wave function
of the emitted electron taking into account the complicated sequence of
interactions with other electrons. The duration of formation of a wave packet
of the emerging electron are different for different orbitals. Theoretical
calculations of many-electron interactions cannot so far offer an accurate
prediction of time delay in photoemission of atoms heavier than helium -- the
calculated values are much shorter than the measured delay. In contrast, the
cross section of photoemission in the helium atom, for which reliable
calculation is possible, are very small which makes experimental verification of the
effect of delay in helium atoms so far unfeasible. Investigation of delays in the
photoemission is important for establishing the zero reference point of time in
experiments which study the structure of atoms and molecules using
photoelectric effect.
Source: Science 328 1658 (2010)
Bose – Einstein condensate under microgravity conditions
1 August 2010
T.V. Zoest and his colleagues from Germany and France performed an experiment in
which the Bose – Einstein condensate of rubidium atoms was created during the
time of free fall of an experimental setup. A capsule with the setup was dropped
from a height of 146 m from the tower at the Center of Applied Space Technology
and Microgravity of the University of Bremen. The capsule had all the necessary
equipment for cooling the gas and remotely monitoring its properties.
In this experiment the residual gravitational field was not higher than
10-5 g. During its free fall for more than a second the gas on the atom chip
formed the Bose – Einstein condensate. Then the potential of the
magneto-optical trap was switched off, and the gas cloud expanded freely. The
characteristics of the way the cloud spread were indicative of the physical
characteristics of the degenerate gas and of the external fields affecting it. Such
experiments with Bose – Einstein condensate may prove useful for ultra-precise
measurements, for instance, to test the equivalence principle. Plans for the future
include adding a quantum interferometer to the capsule in free fall and in more remote future —
to conduct the experiment under weightlessness conditions in space.
Source: Science 328 1540 (2010)
Paramagnons in palladium
1 August 2010
R. Doubble and his colleagues in the UK and the US investigated spin fluctuations in
palladium — a nearly ferromagnetic metal -- using the method of inelastic
neutron scattering. Nearly ferromagnetic materials possessing no stable
ferromagnetism are of interest because spin fluctuations significantly modify
their electronic properties. The experiment was carried out on a MARI neutron
spectrometer at the Rutherford – Appleton Laboratory. Spin excitations —
paramagnons — were observed in palladium crystals in a wide range of energies
from 25 to 128 meV. The contribution of paramagnons to the heat capacity was studied and
found to be about 30-40%,
which is consistent with the observed spectrum of paramagnons.
Source: Phys. Rev . Lett. 105 027207 (2010)
The asymmetry of type Ia supernova explosions
1 August 2010
Type Ia supernovas are used as “standard candles” in evaluating cosmological
distances owing to a well-defined relation between their maximum luminosity and
decline rate on their light curve. However, there is a certain spread in
spectral properties of supernovae with respect to this function, namely, a
distribution is observed in expansion rate gradient dvSi/dt. К. Maeda (Tokyo
University) and his colleagues compared the gradient dvSi/dt with the expansion rate
of matter vneb along the line of sight determined from the Doppler effect, for 20
supernovae of type Ia. Researches came to a conclusion that the observed spread
is caused by nonspherical character of thermonuclear explosions of white dwarfs.
In this case the appearance of the spectrum depends on the direction from which
the explosion is viewed. A possible reason for non-sphericity of the front of
thermonuclear burning is an offset of the initial point from the center of the
white dwarf because of the convective motion of matter. An alternative scenario
to an asymmetrical explosion is a collision of white dwarfs in a binary system
(see Phys. Usp. 53 325 (2010)).
Source: Nature 466 82 (2010)
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.