Parity violation in nuclear collisions
1 January 2010
The “chiral magnetic effect”, predicted in 1998 by D. Kharzeev, R.D. Pisarski
and M.H.G. Tytgat was first detected at the RHIC accelerator (Relativistic Heavy
Ion Collider) in the US using the STAR detector of the Brookhaven National
Laboratory. The effect consists in parity violation (violation of the symmetry
under mirror reflection) which manifests itself in a partial spatial separation
of positively and negatively charged quarks along the direction of the orbital
angular momentum of the colliding nuclei. The separation of charges is caused by
the difference between the numbers of quarks of different chirality in the new
metastable domains and by the strong magnetic field of intensity up to ≈ 1015 T
which arises in nonzero impact parameter collisions of nuclei. The experimenters collided
nuclei of Au + Au and Cu + Cu with center-of-mass energy
of 200 GeV. The distribution of charges on the two sides of the plane of
reaction (i.e. along the direction of the angular momentum) was measured using
correlation analysis. Possible sources of background noise and experimental
uncertainty such as the contribution of scattering of three or more particles and
of resonance decays were studied and eliminated. This resulted in identification
of statistically significant correlations which could correspond to parity
violation. As predicted by theoretical calculations, the measured effect was
found to be stronger in the case of copper nuclei than with gold nuclei.
Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 251601 (2009)
Measurement of ultralow temperatures
1 January 2010
D.M. Weld and coworkers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed a
sufficiently universal technique of thermometry of ultracold atoms in optical
lattices. The method of spin-gradient thermometry was tested successfully in
nonuniform magnetic field on the gas of 87Rb atoms trapped in a
three-dimensional laser beam lattice. The gas was maintained in the Mott
insulator regime in which conductivity is zero due to strong repulsion between
particles. The width of the transition zone between atom clouds in different
spin states (and having different magnetic moments) depends on temperature;
these clouds separated in the gradient of the external magnetic field. As
temperature decreases, the transition becomes sharper; incomplete separation at
finite temperatures is caused by spin excitations. Therefore, the temperature of
the gas can be found from observations of the transition zone. In this
particular experiment it was possible to measure temperatures down to 1 nK and
the researchers predict that the new technique will allow measuring temperatures
down to ≈ 50 pK. The study of atoms in optical lattices at ultralow
temperatures is important for implementing quantum spin Hamiltonians which model
materials with unique properties, such as high-temperature superconductors.
Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 245301 (2009)
Relativistic plasma “mirror”
1 January 2010
М. Kando and coworkers at the Advanced Photon Research Center (Kioto, Japan)
and the P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the RAS (Moskow, Russia) studied the
reflection of laser pulses from relativistically moving “mirror”. The
“mirror” was the plasma wave (modulation of electron density) generated by the
high-power laser pulse. When laser light propagates toward the “mirror”,
the double Doppler effect increases the frequency of the reflected light by a factor of 37
to 66. The frequency jump of this magnitude may prove useful in a number of
practical applications, for instance, for laser acceleration of ions or for
generation of ultrashort pulses. The reflection coefficient in this experiment
was 1.3 × 10-4 to 0.6 × 10-3 which is close to the quantity
predicted by the theory for this experiment. The experiment with reflection by a
relativistic plasma “mirror” was first carried out in 2007. In this new
experiment it proved possible to achieve considerably higher reflectivity and to
investigate in detail the characteristics of the reflected light.
Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 235003 (2009)
A close pair of compact stars
1 January 2010
С. Badenes and his coworkers in the US and Israel discovered a binary system at
a distance of about 50 pc from the Earth in which one object is a white dwarf
with a mass of about 0.9M☉ and the second object is a neutron star or
a black hole with a mass higher than 1.6M☉. This system therefore
contains the nearest to the Earth known compact remnant of supernova explosion.
The binary system SDSS 1257 + 5428 with the orbital period of 4.6 hours was
found by studying the spectral features of objects of the Sloan Digital Sky
Survey catalog and was then additionally investigated by the DIS spectrograph on
the 3.5-meter ARC telescope in New Mexico. The components of the pair gradually
move closer because of the emission of gravitational waves. Estimates of the
orbital parameters make it possible to conclude that these compact stars will
collide not later than about 500 million years. Т.A. Thompson and his colleagues
at the Ohio State University used this data to evaluate the total number and
rate of mergers of binary systems of this type. By their calculations, the
Galaxy contains about 106 such systems and the rate of mergers in the Galaxy
is estimated as ≈ 5 × 10-4 yr-1. It cannot be excluded that a collision of
a white dwarf and a compact object generate gamma bursts, powerful neutrino flashes
and also ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays. Binary systems with white dwarfs might constitute
the principal source of background gravitational wave signal in the currently planned
space interferometer LISA.
Sources: arXiv:0910.2709v1 [astro-ph.SR],
arXiv:0912.0009v1 [astro-ph.HE]
Waves on a cell membrane
1 January 2010
The propagation of wave excitations along the outer shell of live cells depends
on many physical and chemical factors, some of them nonlinear, so that the
observation and theoretical explanation of the properties of waves on cell
membranes is an interesting and complex problem of biophysics. Surface waves are
directly linked to the ability of cells to move. Researchers at the Institute of
Biophotonics Engineering and Research Center for Applied sciences (Taipei,
Taiwan) were able to clarify how waves propagate on the surface of fibroblasts,
i.e. cells of connective tissue. The method of observation they used is known as
noninterferometric wide-field optical profilometry (NIWOP). It is based on using
the interval of linear dependence of light intensity on the amount of spatial
shifting out of focal point of the microscope. This technique made it possible
to achieve the required resolution in the three-dimensional picture of wave
propagation. The experimenters measured wave profiles and their speed (≈ 100 nm s-1), their dispersion and other characteristics. Observations
confirm the detailed theory of wave propagation suggested by R. Shlomovitz and
N.S. Gov in 2007. Their model was based on the interaction between the force of
repulsion that arises when the protein actin polymerizes, and the compressive
force produced by the protein myosin which forms links between actin fibers. The
researchers discovered that waves disappeared when they added reagents blocking
myosin and polymerization of actin, which confirms the decisive role of these
proteins in the wave process. The outlined results may lead to important
applications in medical sciences and biotechnologies.
Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 238101 (2009)
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.