Superconductor in contact with ferromagnet
1 May 2008
Electric current destroys superconductivity because of the dissipation of energy
by moving magnetic vortices. The critical current increases in the presence of
factors, such as defects in crystalline structure, that constrain the vortices.
Theory predicted that the critical current can also be increased by bringing the
superconductor in contact with a layer of ferromagnet whereby local magnetic
fields hold the vortices within the boundaries of magnetic domains at the
surface of the ferromagnet. Some evidence of this mechanism have already been
observed in experiments. The new experiment by Vitalii Vlasko Власко – Vlasov (Argonne
National Laboratory) and coworkers studied this effect in more detail and a
method was found for controlling the critical current through changing the
characteristics of magnetization of the ferromagnet. A 0,8 µm thick film of
ferromagnetic Ni80Fe20 was deposited on a 20 µm thick
superconducting crystal of NbSe2. Magnetic field parallel to the film was
used to create in the ferromagnet an array of elongated magnetic domains with
alternating directions of magnetization. This additional magnetic field
generated magnetic vortices in the superconductor. The structure of magnetic
domains in Ni80Fe20 was studied with a superconducting magnetometer
and a magnetic force microscope while the pattern of magnetic vortices was
observed through changes in light polarization. It was found that pinning
vortices within magnetic domains increases the critical current flowing parallel
to the film surface and across the magnetic domains by a factor of about three,
as compared to the critical current in the direction perpendicular to the film
Sources: Phys. Rev. B (in press);
Graphene transistor
1 May 2008
At the moment the industry of silicon-based electronic components reached the
scale of ≈ 45 nm which is not far from the limiting scale of ≈ 10 nm at which silicon is not capable any more of forming stable structures.
The promise of further miniaturization in electronics is associated with using
carbon in the form of nanotubes or graphene, and experimental transistors have
already been created. A.K. Geim, K.S. Novoselov (Manchester University) and
their colleagues created a graphene transistor of record small size — its width
is a mere 10 carbon atoms. Furthermore, in contrast to graphene transistors
created earlier which operated at ultralow temperatures, the new transistor can
function at room temperature. The transistor is a quantum dot consisting of five
carbon rings, with potential well depth of about 0.5 eV. The efficiency of
electron capture by the quantum dot and correspondingly the current flowing
through the transistor are controlled by magnetic field.
Source: Science 320 356 (2008)
Protons in supercooled water
1 May 2008
A. Pietropaolo and his colleagues in Italy used the method of deep inelastic
neutron scattering to study the energy distribution of protons (hydrogen nuclei)
in molecules of supercooled water. Compared to water in its ordinary state,
significant excess of high-energy protons was observed, with the measured values
not following a simple linear extrapolated dependence on temperature. The
discovered effect may originate with the effect of quantum delocalization of
protons between oxygen atoms of two neighboring water molecules. The distance
between neighboring oxygen atoms in supercooled water is less than in water in
its ordinary state which results in changed interaction potential of protons and
surrounding atoms.
Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 127802 (2008)
Single-photon ultrashort light pulse
1 May 2008
P.J. Mosley (Oxford University) and his colleagures obtained a record-short light pulse
consisting of a single photon. Photons in pure quantum states were obtained by parametric
conversion, i.e. by splitting photons in a nonlinear birefringent crystal into pairs of
photons at doubled wavelength. The high state purity (more than ≈ 95%) in pairs of
photons was achieved by a special choice of dispersion properties of the crystal, angle
of incidence of the beam and light wavelength, so that the group velocity of the initial
photon was equal to the group velocity of the photons produced by splitting the initial
photon. It was therefore possible to eliminate quantum correlations between photons of the
pair. The wave corresponding to the photons obtained was 65 fs long which is shorter by a
factor of 15 than record-short photons generated previously. In fact even shorter pulses
were reported earlier (see Physics Uspekhi 48 254 (2005)) but only in wave packets consisting of many photons.
Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 133601 (2008)
Testing of general relativity
1 May 2008
The quasar OJ287 is known to generate two powerful optical bursts approximately
every 12 years. This quasiperiodic activity is a consequence of the presence of a
pair of supermassive black holes in the quasar core. A black hole with a mass of
1.8 × 108 solar masses revolves on an elongated orbit around a 200 times
more massive black hole with a period of ≈ 12 years. The bursts occur when
the smaller black hole travels through the gas accretion disk surrounding the larger black hole.
In view of the considerable mass and compact size of the binary system, effects
of general relativity theory (GRT) must be clearly manifested in the motion of the black holes, namely,
rapid precession of the orbit and emission of gravitational waves. Theoretical calculations
carried out under the guidance of М. Valtonen (Finland) and the observation of bursts on
13 September 2007 made it possible to conduct a new successful test of GRT predictions
for strong gravitational fields. With precession and gravitational radiation taken into account,
it was predicted that bursts should occur on the date above, give or take a day or two.
Observations of the quasar OJ287 by several telescopes were started by that time
and as expected, two bursts were indeed recorded on 13 September 2007. This
has confirmed that OJ287 does indeed contain a system of two supermassive black holes.
GRT predictions for gravitational radiation proved correct to within 10%. Without
gravitational waves taken into account, the date of bursts would shift by approximately 20 days.
The rate of precession of black hole orbits is 39° per period. When these black holes
approach, this binary system is the most powerful emitter of gravitational radiation
among the sources known in the Universe. There is a prospect therefore to observe
gravitational waves from the system OJ287 in 12 years time, using the space laser
inteferometer LISA to be launched before the event.
Source: Nature 452 851 (2008)
Search for dark matter particles
1 May 2008
Possible detection was reported in 2000 of dark matter particles (hidden mass)
in the DAMA experiment (Gran Sasso National Laboratory, Italy). The detector
allegedly revealed seasonal variations in recoil nuclei which could be interpreted
as a periodic variation in the velocity of the Earth relative to the Galactic halo
(for details see Physics Uspekhi 43 414 (2000)). However, this result was not confirmed
in indepenendent experiments and it was suggested that it was caused by systematic
experimental errors due to, for instance, seasonal temperature variations. In
the last several years the DAMA experiment was significantly modified. The
updated DAMA/LIBRA experiment uses about 250 kg of Nal(Tl) as a working
substance highly purified of radioactive inclusions that would generate background
noise. Exposure of about 530 kg × yr has already been achieved in the
measurements. The first DAMA/LIBRA results have complitely confirmed the
data of the preceding DAMA experiment. Seasonal variations of recoil nuclei
were observed, unexplainable by any other known source of systematic errors. It
is claimed that taking into account the data of the preceding experiment, the
convidence level of registration of dark matter particles is 8,2 σ. At the
present moment it is necessary to clarify why other experiments gave negative
results for the same range of parameters of dark matter particles and to study
in detail all other possible causes of the observed seasonal variations. The conclusion
that the signature of dark matter particles have been successfully recorded can
only be made when confirmation is provided by independent experiments.
Source: http://arxiv.org/abs/0804.2741
“Echos” of x-ray flares
1 May 2008
The data obtained with x-ray telescopes Suzaku, XMM-Newton, Chandra
and ASCA indicate that the x-ray luminosity of the Fe K-α line of iron in the large
gas cloud Sgr B2 located 300 light years from the supermassive black hole at the
center of our Galaxy was decreasing in recent years. The factor causing this
x-ray luminance was most probably a flare that occurred close to the central black hole
when a gas blob fell into it. The radiation of the flare reached Earth 300 years ago
and the central region of the Galaxy in the x-ray spectrum was brighter for several
years then now, by a factor of 106. Then 300 years later the light of the flare
reached the object Sgr В2 and excited atoms of iron which reradiated the x-ray
“echos” we observe now. The x-ray flare indicates that the quiet state of the central
black hole is sometimes replaced by an active phase involving accretion of matter.
A similar but less powerful flare from the Galactic center was observed in 2001
(see Physics Uspekhi 44 1088 (2001)). The “echos” of flares is observed in other galaxies
too. S. Komossa (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Germany)
and his colleagures carried out detailed observations of the effect exerted on
matter at the center of the galaxy SDSSJ0952 + 2143. The flare occurred as a
result of a tidal destruction of a star near a black hole and the accretion of the
generated gas cloud (stellar residue) onto the black hole. In this case as well,
the X-ray and UV radiation caused ionization of the gas and the subsequent
“echos”. The structure of the molecular torus surrounding the black hole and
the accretion disk was studied in detail by observing the emission lines of iron,
the degree of ionization and the distribution of gas velocities. The emmission
in hydrogen lines emerging from the accretion disk was also observed.
Sources: arXiv:0803.1528;
Astrophys. J. Letters 678 13 (2008)
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.