Multi-muon processes
1 December 2008
New results have been obtained at the E. Fermi Tevatron Laboratory which, in case their
validity is confirmed, may point to detection of new particles or interactions beyond the
Standard Model of elementary particles. Researchers studied proton-antiproton collisions
with energy 1.96 TeV in a vacuum beam pipe 1.5 cm in diameter. Collisions generated mesons which decayed into, among other things, muons which were recorded by detectors. Previous experiments revealed a discrepancy between the number (and the distribution) of muons and the
predictions of the Standard Model. The aim of the new experiment was to identify the causes of
discrepancies. By installing additional detectors it was possible to establish where exactly muons
were created. Complete agreement with theoretical calculations has been found
for those muons whose tracks originated from within the colliding beams. However, it was
unexpectedly found that a significant fraction of muons were created outside the beams and
even outside the vacuum pipe at a distance of several centimeters from the location of pp
collisions. Also, multiple cascade creation processes (creating up to eight particles)
were also observed in which both μ- and μ+ muons in various combinations were created with equal probability and the trajectories of their flight were remote from the axis of the pp beam; several muons formed a “muon jet”. One possible explanation of the
observed exotic processes could be the existence of unknown particles which were created in
collisions within the beam, flew out far from the beam edge and there decayed into other
particles and muons. According to the computations of P. Giromini and his colleagues,
cascades need at least three new particles for explanation, with masses of 3.6 GeV,
7.3 GeV, and 15 GeV, and they are absent from the Standard Model. Further checking and
clarification of these results requires new independent experiments.
Nanoclaster transports electrons
1 December 2008
S. Gordeev (Bath University, UK) and his co-workers implemented experimentally the
transfer of electrons between two electrodes via metallic nanoclusters. Such hypothetical
“nanoshuttle” was theoretically suggested 10 years ago by L.Yu. Gorelik et al, and
attempts to implement the “nanoshuttle” were undertaken using semiconductors and
fullerenes, with ambiguous results. In the successful experiment of S. Gordeev and his
colleagues a gold nanocluster 20 nm in diameter was fixed to two electrodes by a monolayer
of elastic organic molecules. Electric field forced the nanocluster to rapidly vibrate
between the two electrodes, transferring four electrons per cycle. The current flowing
between the electrodes depends on the frequency of oscillations of the nanocluster (it
reached 1011 Hz in the experiment), which in turn depends on the nanocluster mass and
the elasticity of organic molecules. The current-voltage characteristics of the device
agree well with those calculated in the theory of L.Yu. Gorelik et al. The method allows
development of new nanoelectromechanical devices with unique properties; for instance, a
similar device with three electrodes may become a nanoelectromechanical analog of the
Source: http://arxiv.org/abs/0810.2430
1 December 2008
Researchers at the Liverpool University (UK) and colleagues at the Academy of Sciences of China
designed a molecular nanorotor characterized by a number of useful differences from other molecular
rotors developed at the moment. Complex molecules of tetra-tert-butyl zinc phthalocyanine were
evaporated onto gold substrate and their nitrogen atoms bonded the molecules to single atoms of
gold. The point of attachment — the axis of rotation — did not coincide with the center of the
molecule so that the molecule rotated as a whole around a point on its boundary. Rotation was driven
by the energy of thermal degrees of freedom of the molecule. An important achievement was that
the rotation axis was fixed in space. The investigation of nanorotors was carried out using a
scanning tunneling microscope. The researchers also created an array of such rotating molecules on
an area of several square micron. If an atom of a magnetic metal is placed at the center of the
molecule, it becomes possible to control the angular velocity of rotation by means of an electric
current passing through the molecule and creating a magnetic field.
Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 197209 (2008)
Study of inner orbitals in molecules
1 December 2008
A technique called high harmonic generation, or HHG, has been developed at a SLAC
laboratory which makes it possible to study inner electron levels of molecules. A beam of
nitrogen molecules was irradiated with laser light. Molecules were thus raised to an
excited state and on reverse transitions emitted photons whose spectrum permitted
reconstruction of the electron structure of molecules. In contrast to earlier similar
experiments, it became possible for the first time to observe radiative transitions not
only for electrons of the outer electron orbital but also of a deeper orbital
corresponding to the next energy level. The data from this study is important for
understanding the mechanism of chemical reactions in which electron bonds in molecules are
Source: http://www.physorg.com/news145214579.html
Nearby source of cosmic rays
1 December 2008
The ATIC balloon experiment measured the intensity of cosmic rays and gamma photons in
upper layers of the atmosphere. The data obtained revealed a curious feature on the
electron spectrum: excessive abundance in the energy range 300-800 GeV and sharp decline
towards higher energies. The excess is observed relative to the background level that
corresponds to a very carefully developed model of generation of electrons in supernova remnants and the model of electron propagation in galactic magnetic fields. Since
electrons are absorbed quite easily by interstellar matter, this excess can be produced
only by a source in relative proximity to the Earth. It was found, however, that spectra of electron
emission from ordinary sources such as neutron stars or microquasars cannot explain the
observed energy spectrum. At the same time, good agreement between calculations and
observations is achieved in the model with annihilation of dark matter particles of mass
620 GeV in Kaluza – Klein-type field-theory models with compactified extra dimensions.
It is not impossible therefore that the ATIC experiment detected a dense clump of dark
matter in which annihilation occurred. Another hypothesis assumes that particles may
annihilate in a high-density peak near an intermediate-mass black hole.
Source: Nature 456 362 (2008)
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.