Bose Einstein condensate of chromium atoms
1 April 2005
T Pfau and his colleagues from the University of Stuttgart have for the first time created a
Bose-Einstein condensate of chromium atoms. Unlike other Bose-condensed atoms, chromium atoms
have a large magnetic moment of 6 Bohr magnetons, making them interact 6 times stronger
compared to rare-earth atoms. Using the evaporative cooling techniques, the researchers were able
to Bose-condense 50,000 chromium atoms at a temperature of 625 nK. The new condensate can
find practical applications in nanolithography and can also be used to study long-range interaction
between condensate atoms. In particular, the researchers believe that theoretically predicted phase
transitions can be observed using the chromium condensate.
Source: cond-mat/0503044
Interfering electrons
1 April 2005
Researchers from Austria, Germany, and Bosnia and Herzegovina have carried out a new version
of the classical electron interference experiment, in which electrons interfere in energy-time rather
than in coordinate space. In their experiment a sequence of ultrashort (5 fs, 1.6-cycle) linearly-
polarized pulses from a titanium-sapphire laser, all practically identical and having the same phase,
were passed through argon gas, and the electrons from the ionized argon atoms were recorded by
two detectors lying in the polarization plane. If a laser pulse contained two maxima and one
minimum of the electric field, then a interference pattern was seen at one of the detectors (namely,
at that toward which the two maxima are directed). Changing the phase of the pulses caused the
pattern to be seen at the other detector. The explanation of the interference effect is that any of the
two vibrational maxima could produce ionization and that the two ionization path interfere
quantum mechanically with each other. The interference pattern observed was one in the electron
energy spectrum.
Source: http://physicsweb.org/articles/news/9/3/1/1
Quantum correlation of three macroscopic objects
1 April 2005
Recently, quintuplets of photons have been obtained in the so-called quantum entangled state (
Physics Uspekhi 174 854 (2004)). For macroscopic objects,
however, quantum correlations are much harder to obtain. Until recently, only two objects -
specifically, two quantum information qubits - have been obtained entangled. Now a University
of Maryland team has for the first time observed a quantum-correlated state of three macroscopic
objects, an LC oscillatory circuit and a pair of Josephson junctions, each consisting of two
superconductors with an insulating layer between. At low temperature, quantized oscillations of
electric current were seen to be transferred along the circuit, with all the three devices being in
correlated quantum states as determined indirectly from the way they scatter microwave radio
pulses. Studies like this are important in creating future quantum computers.
Source: Physics News Update, Number 722
Plasma in collapsing bubbles
1 April 2005
Neither experiment nor theory has yet provided the definitive explanation for sonoluminescence -
a phenomenon in which gas bubbles in liquid emit light when subjected to ultrasound. The
phenomenon is powered by the spherical shock wave generated by the collapse. While some data
suggest that the light is generated by hot plasma in the bubbles (
Physics Uspekhi 171 759 (2001)), the others indicate chemical reactions as the reason (
Physics Uspekhi 172 910 (2002)). Thus far, no evidence has been found to
confirm reports of nuclear `bubble fusion' in deuterated acetone (
Physics Uspekhi 172 454 (2000)). Now the first reliable evidence for the presence of plasma in
bubbles has come from a new experiment by K Suslick and D Flannigan of the University of
Illinois, who studied the way bubbles filled with argon and xenon collapse in sulfuric acid. The
analysis of the emission spectrum from single bubbles revealed the presence of plasma with
temperatures up to 20,000 K in the bubbles. Because Suslick and Flannigan's experiment differs
considerably from previous experiments in the composition of the medium, its results cannot be
extended to other cases. Besides, the presence of plasma is a necessary but not a sufficient
condition for fusion reaction: much higher temperatures are also required.
Source: Nature 434 52
High-power radio bursts
1 April 2005
Observations with the VLA radio telescope gathered in 2002
revealed a series of five high-power bursts of 0.33 GHz radio
emission in the direction of the center of the Galaxy. The bursts
were 77 minutes apart and each was 10 minutes in duration, the
signal in-between not exceeding the background level. The source of the bursts, which was given
the name GCRT J1745-3009, has never been seen neither before nor after the detection of the five
bursts. Nor has an associated X-ray or optical radiation been detected from it. The distance of the
source is unknown, so its location can be anywhere from close to the Sun to the Galaxy's center (in
which latter case it power should be very high. Because similar signals have never been detected
from the cosmos, GCRT J1745-3009 may either belong to a new class of radio sources or be yet
another form of activity of already known objects. The pulses might have been generated by a
brown dwarf - but their characteristics are strongly different from those of the radio emission
from brown dwarfs; besides, the periodicity of the pulses is hard to explain in this scenario.
Another hypothesis is that the bursts had their origin in a magnetar, a neutron star with a strong
magnetic field, and that the 77-min time interval is the orbital period of a binary star system.
Source: astro-ph/0503052
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.