Testing the general theory of relativity
1 December 2004
Lense-Thirring effect
I. Ciuffolini of the University of Lecce, Italy, and E Pavlis of
the University of Michigan, USA, have measured the magnitude of
the Lense-Thirring effect. This effect consists in the fact that
spacetime near a massive body is additionally curved - and hence
test body trajectories are additionally altered - if the body
rotates. Over a span of 11 years, laser pulse round trip times
have been measured between the Earth and the mirrors mounted on
the LAGEOS and LAGEOS II satellites. In this way, the distances
to and the orbit shape of the satellites were determined with
high precision. The Lense-Thirring effect gives a correction of
several meters per year to the orbit's parameters. The orbit as a
whole plays a role of a giant, slowly precessing gyroscope.
Although the measured Lense-Thirring effect was 99% of the
general relativity prediction, there was a 10% error to this
result - due primarily to nonuniformities in the gravitational
field of the Earth. To account for the nonuniformities, data from
the GRACE satellite were used. With data from the Gravity Probe B
satellite that are forthcoming in the very near future, the error
in the measurement of the effect will be reduced to 1%.
Source: http://physicsweb.org/articles/news/8/10/12/1
Equivalence principle for isotopes
The equivalence principle for macroscopic bodies was tested with
an accuracy of 10-13. The most accurate test on individual atoms has
been performed by S.Fray and his colleagues from Germany. The
researchers used atomic spectroscopy to study the relative
acceleration of the isotopes 85Rb and 87Rb falling in a gravitational
field. The relative acceleration - and hence the accuracy of
the equivalence principle test - was (1.2 + - 1.7)x10-7. A similar test
with the same accuracy was performed for isotopes of one type in
different substates of hyperfine-split energy levels. The
measurement data have about three time the accuracy of the
previous experiments with atoms. Source:
A new type of superconductivity
1 December 2004
Electron Cooper pairs in superconductors that have been known so
far have an even value of orbital angular momentum, L=0 or L=2. L=1
superconductivity was predicted theoretically some 40 years ago,
but a decisive experimental confirmation of its existence has
been lacking - until now. A team of physicists from the US and
Japan have obtained the first strong evidence for the existence
of `odd' superconductivity in strontium ruthenate Sr2RuO4. In their
experiment, a sample of strontium ruthenate was connected by two
Josephson junctions to a normal superconductor. Cooper pairs
could tunnel through the junctions and interfere. What was
measured was the electric current through the junctions as a
function of the external magnetic field. It was found that the
interference was accompanied by the destruction of the pairs -
something which is only possible if L=1.
Science 306 1151 2004
`Signal velocity' of a light pulse
1 December 2004
Recent experiments have shown that for a light pulse in a
dispersive medium both the phase and group velocity can exceed
the speed of light in vacuum, c. This does not violate the
principles of relativity theory, however, because the speed of
information transfer is always less than c. Researchers at the
University of Geneva have for the first time confirmed this in a
direct experimental way by studying how polarized laser pulses
propagate in an optical fiber. As expected, the light pulse
propagation speed - the so-called `signal velocity' at which
information is transmitted - did not exceed # even though the
pulse's group velocity was 1.76c.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 93 203902
Unusual dark matter halo
1 December 2004
NGC 4555, an elliptic galaxy which is single in the sense of not
belonging to any cluster or group, has a very extended and
massive halo of dark matter, according to the Chandra space X-ray
observatory. The X-ray-emitting halo of the galaxy extends to a
distance of about 60 kpc. The dynamic structure modelling of NGC
4555 showed that the surrounding dark matter halo is 300 times
more massive than the gaseous halo and so much larger than its
counterparts around other optically similar galaxies that have
been studied. The formation mechanism of the galaxy NGC is not
yet known.
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.