Quark-gluon plasma
1 July 2003
In recent years, lead- and gold-ion collision experiments at CERN
(Switzerland) and Brookhaven National Laboratory (US) have
provided evidence for the existence of quark-gluon plasma, a
mixture of free quarks and free gluons with hundred times the
density of nuclear matter. Now Brookhaven physicists have
provided further confirmation of this. What they did was to
discover the jet quenching phenomenon that had been predicted
theoretically. In high energy nuclear collisions the ejection of
a pair of quarks usually gives rise to two particle jets. In the
Brookhaven experiments, only one jet was occasionally observed in
head-on collisions of gold nuclei. A likely explanation is that
the second jet is absorbed by quark-gluon plasma. The absorption
occurs when a quark-antiquark pair emerges near the surface of a
nucleus and one of the quarks flies through the central collision
region. As a control experiment, collisions between a beam of
gold nuclei and that of deuterons were studied. In this case
quark-gluon plasma is not created, and the particle jets come in
Source: http://www.bnl.gov/bnlweb/pubaf/pr/2003/bnlpr061103.htm
Orthopositronium lifetime
1 July 2003
Positronium, a system of an electron and a positron bound
together, lives for about 142 ns before annihilating. For
parapositronium (a positronium variety with the electron and
positron spins oppositely directed) the measured lifetime is in
excellent agreement with theory. For orthopositronium, however,
the experimental and QED-calculated values have differed by about
0.1%, giving rise to a number of exotic explanations beyond the
Standard Model of elementary particles. Now P Vallery and his
colleagues have used a new technique to make the most accurate
measurement yet of the orthopositronium lifetime.
Orthopositronium `atoms' were created by letting a beam of
positrons pass through a thin quartz film. To register the gamma
radiation produced by annihilation reactions, a scintillation
detector was used. The measured lifetime was found to be within 0.014%
of the predicted value. In the previous experiments, the authors
believe, there was a systematic error due to the fact that many
of the orthopositronium `atoms' annihilate in the detector walls.
Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 203402 (2003)
Magnetic anisotropy energy
1 July 2003
A group of researchers from Switzerland, Italy, France, and
Germany have measured the highest magnetic anisotropy energy
known. The measurement was made on a layer of cobalt atoms
deposited on a platinum substrate. The layer was grown by the
molecular-beam epitaxy technique. The researchers placed the
material in a magnetic field of 7 T and measured its
magnetization along and perpendicular to the field. The magnetic
anisotropy energy was found to be 9.3x10-3eV per cobalt atom, 200 times
larger than for cobalt atoms in a bulk crystal and several times
larger than maximum values for other materials.
Source: Science
300 1130 (2003)
Spin current
1 July 2003
Two groups of researchers, one at the University of Iowa (USA)
and one at the University of Marburg (Germany) have independently
created a directed electron spin current with no accompanying
electrical charge transfer. In both experiments a semiconductor
material was illuminated by two differently polarized laser
beams, with photons in one of them twice as energetic as in the
other. The radiation promoted electrons into the conduction band
and produced two counterpropagating electron flows with
oppositely directed spins. Due to the interference phenomenon,
the charge flows exactly cancelled one another whereas the spin
flows added. The latter is due to the fact that, as far as spin
transfer is concerned, the motion of a specific spin state in one
direction is equivalent to the motion of an opposite spin state
in the opposite direction.
Sources: Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 136603 (2003),
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 216601 (2003)
Magnetic field of alone neutron star
1 July 2003
A group of astronomers from Italy and France have measured the
magnetic field of a solitary neutron star, one which is not a
member of a multiple star system. Solitary neutron stars are
amenable to observation in visible and X-ray wavelengths. Among
the neutron stars known, only the object 1E1207.4-5209 reveals spectral
absorption features in addition to the thermal X-ray continuum.
The most precise spectroscopic observations of the neutron star 1E1207.4-5209
were made using the XMM-Newton telescope. Absorption features
were observed at energies of 0.7, 1.4, and 2.1 keV, and some
evidence for spectral features at 2.8 keV was found. The most
likely interpretation of these features is the electron cyclotron
resonance scattering of X-ray radiation. The corresponding
magnetic field should be about 8x1010 Gauss, which is 50 to 100 times
less that indirectly estimated from the neutron star's slowdown
rate. The cyclotron interpretation is supported by periodic
variations in the features, presumably due to the rotation of the
star and because the cyclotron resonance scattering cross section
depends on the angle between the magnetic field and the photon
Source: http://arXiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0306189
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.