B meson decay
1 May 2003
Decays of B mesons into two baryons have been observed for the
first time at the KEK laboratory in Japan. Previously, only
three- and four-particle decays of B mesons, with mesons present
among the decay products, have been observed. The B meson
consists of a heavy anti-b-quark plus another, lighter quark. The
new experiment has recorded B meson decays into an antiproton and
a Lambdac+ particle consisting of u, d, and c quarks. The measured
probability of such a decay is 2.19x10-5, an order of magnitude less than
for three-particle decays. Among several proposed theories of B
meson decay that which involves Regge poles describes
experimental data most accurately. Source:
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 121802
Properties of deformed nanotubes
1 May 2003
It has been predicted by a number of studies that carbon
nanotubes, when subjected to a mechanical force, should change
their conductivity due to a change in the energy gap in the
energy spectrum of the electrons. Depending on the orientation of
the hexagonal grid of graphite relative to the nanotube axis,
either a decrease or an increase in conductivity should occur. T
W Tombler and his colleagues indeed observed a more than an
order-of-magnitude reduction in conductivity in their experiments
in 2000, but it was unclear whether this was related to the gap
width or was due to other reasons. Now E.D. Minot and his
colleagues at Cornell University have carried out a new
experiment in which nanotubes, with electrodes attached to their
ends, were deformed (i. e. stretched or bent) by the tip of an
atomic force microscope. In some cases, not only a reduction, but
an increase in conductivity was observed. The tip of the
microscope also served as a gate for controlling the potential
across the central part of the nanotube and the current through
the tube. From the way the tube resistance depended on the
voltage, it is the change in the energy gap width which dominates
changes in nanotube conductivity. Source:
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 156401 (2003)
Tunable Photonic Crystals
1 May 2003
Certain types of photonic crystals (structures with periodically
varying index of refraction, liquid suspensions being an example)
can change their properties under the influence of external
forces, but this process takes a long time to complete. J Qi and
his colleagues at Brown University have created photonic crystals
which take only milliseconds to be rearranged structurally. The
crystals were fabricated from the so-called holographic-polymer
dispersed liquid crystals (H-PDLCs). The samples were illuminated
by four coherent laser beams. At the peaks of the interference
pattern obtained, liquid crystal droplet formed, to constitute a
superlattice. The drops could change their index of refraction
under the influence of an electric field, this changing the
spectrum of radiation transmitted by the crystal. The new
photonic crystals may find a number of practical applications
according to the authors. Source:
Physics News Update, Number
Magnetic levitation in cold oxygen
1 May 2003
In magnetic levitation experiments a non-uniform magnetic field
creates a force which balances the weight of a diamagnetic body
used. The levitation force increases significantly if the body is
immersed in a paramagnetic medium. In previous experiments,
gaseous oxygen at high pressures was used as a medium. Now L
Eaves and his colleagues at Nottingham University in Great
Britain have developed a method for achieving levitation in an
open vessel at atmospheric pressure. In this way heavy
diamagnetic (lead and gold) samples and even light paramagnetic
materials could be suspended in a relatively weak magnetic field.
In the same experiment, a regular pattern of peaks was found to
form on the surface of liquid oxygen at fields in excess of 17 T.
The surface of this shape minimizes the sum of the magnetic and
surface energies. Previously such patterns were observed only on
the surfaces of synthetic ferromagnetic liquids. Source:
Nature 422 579 (2003)
A gamma-ray burst from a supernova
1 May 2003
There has been evidence in recent years that al least some of
gamma-ray bursts are related to supernova explosions. N Butler
and his colleagues have obtained new important data of this kind
using the orbital Chandra X-ray Observatory. The X-ray afterglow
of the gamma-ray burst GRB 020813 was observed for 21 hours by
the HETE spectrometer. The team observed an increased content of
chemical elements characteristic of supernova explosions: in
particular, the spectral lines of silicon and sulphur ions were
seen. Compared to observations by other telescopes, the lines
were detected with high confidence, the probability of
statistical fluctuation being less than 0.01%. From the Doppler
shift of the lines it is found that the ions move at about 1/10
the speed of light, probably through the expanding supernova
shell. The narrow width of the lines suggests that the ions
formed in a small volume of space. Most probably the shell was
illuminated by a narrow beam of fast particles emitted by the
accretion disk around a black hole that formed from a supernova.
Calculations show that the supernova exploded about two months
before the gamma-ray burst occurred. The observations support the
so-called supra-nova model proposed by M Vietri and Stella in
1999. The basic features of the model are the explosion of a very
massive star and the collimation of a beam of particles near a
black hole.
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.