Antiprotonic helium
1 January 2003
The term antiprotonic helium refers to a helium atom in which one
of the electrons is replaced by an antiproton. This is achieved
in an experiment by passing an accelerator-produced beam of
antiprotons through a helium medium. The antiprotonic helium was
first discovered in 1991, although its existence had been
predicted theoretically as early as 1964 by Kondo. This exotic
atom is interesting in that it has an unusual energy level
structure. The antiprotonic helium exhibits fine and hyperfine
level splittings, due to the interaction of the magnetic moments
of the antiproton and the electron. In 1998 D Bakalov (Bulgaria)
and V I Korobov (JINR, Dubna) showed theoretically that each of
the two energy levels of the hyperfine doublet must in turn split
into two close sublevels. This results from the interaction of
the spin magnetic moments of the antiproton and the electron with
the antiproton's orbital magnetic moment. This splitting has now
been discovered for the first time by a group of European and
Japanese researchers headed by E Widmann. To obtain atoms of
antiproton helium, a CERN accelerator was used. The presence of
the two sublevels was registered by quantum transitions between
them. Using a laser, the overpopulation of the upper level was
achieved, and then quantum transitions to the lower level
occurred under the action of microwave radiation. The frequency
of the microwave radiation was chosen such as to cause allowed
transitions between the sublevels. The resulting population of
the levels was measured by a second laser, which caused
transitions from the metastable levels to short-lived ones, thus
leading to a rapid annihilation of the antiproton and producing a
burst of radiation. By varying the frequency of the laser pulses
it was possible to determine the shape of the transition lines
and to measure the energies of the states involved. The
experiment has confirmed, to a high degree of precision, the
predictions made by D Bakalov and V I Korobov.
89 243402 (2002)
A new superconductor
1 January 2003
Researchers from the Los Alamos National Laboratory (US), the
University of Florida (US) and the Institute for Transuranium
Elements in Karlsruhe, Germany, have discovered that the alloy of
plutonium, cobalt, and gallium PuCoGa5 becomes a superconductor when
cooled to a temperature below Tc=18.5K. This temperature is about an
order of magnitude higher than the superconducting transition
temperature in the so-called heavy-fermion systems, compounds
based on uranium and cerium. The plutonium-based alloy may
therefore belong to a new class of superconducting materials. It
was also found that the critical current and critical magnetic
field that destroy superconductivity have relatively large
values. The superconductivity of the PuCoGa5 alloy is due to the
complex electron structure of the plutonium atom according to the
authors of the experiment.
Source: Nature 420 297
The Beliaev effect
1 January 2003
N Katz and colleagues in Israel have examined collisions between
elementary excitations (quasiparticles) and atoms in a Bose-
Einstein condensate in the previously unexplored regime of the
continuous energy spectrum of the quasiparticles. It was observed
that the collision rate decreased with decreasing energy. This
effect was theoretically predicted by S T Beliaev in 1958. The
decrease in the collision rate is explained by a quasiparticle
decaying into two or more lower-energy quasiparticles and may
occur at almost zero temperature. At higher temperatures, Landau
damping usually predominates. The experimental setup used was a
quadrupole-type magnetic trap in which 105 atoms of 87Rb were confined
in the state of a Bose-Einstein condensate. Quasiparticles were
generated by laser radiation modulated at sound frequency. The
scattering of the quasiparticles was registered by atoms that
flew out of the condensate after undergoing a recoil in a
scattering event. The study of the Beliaev effect is important
for understanding quantum correlations between quasiparticles and
for creating `atom lasers.'
Phys.Rev.Lett. 89 220401
Magnetic cooling
1 January 2003
The underlying mechanism of the well-known magnetic cooling
technique (adiabatic demagnetization) is one is which the
internal energy of the paramagnetic material goes to misaligning
the magnetic moments of the particles as the magnetic field is
decreased. Now O Waldmann and his colleagues at Erlangen-Nurnberg
University in Germany have for the first time encountered the
opposite situation, in which the material is cooled when the
magnetic field is increased. The team studied crystals whose
molecule, NaFe6 , consists of a ring of six iron atoms and a sodium
atom at the centre. Such ring structures attract the attention of
researchers because they open the possibility of coherent quantum
tunneling and because they hold promise of quantum computer
applications. As a result of the interaction of the spin magnetic
moments of the iron atoms with the magnetic field, the NaFe6
molecules have two energy levels which cross when the external
magnetic field is Bc=12T. As the magnetic field is varied around Bc,
the crystal exhibits hysteresis. If the rise of the magnetic
field starts from below Bc, the crystal cools.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 89 246401 (2002)
A galaxy with two active nuclei
1 January 2003
Astronomers using the ACIS spectrometer onboard the Chandra X-ray
Observatory have made detailed observations of the nuclei of NGC
6240 galaxy, which has great brightness in the infrared and X-ray
portions of the spectrum. The presence of two nuclei about 3000
light years apart was established earlier using optical
telescopes. It was also known that at least one of the nuclei is
active. New Chandra observations have now shown that indeed both
nuclei are active. The nuclei have the X-ray spectrum which is
characteristic of single active galactic nuclei and which may
result from the accretion of matter onto supermassive black
holes. Given its irregular shape, the galaxy NGC 6240 is the
result of the merger of two lower-mass galaxies. Additional
evidence for this is the high rate of star formation, which
process could have been initiated by tidal forces. The scientists
estimate that in a few hundred million years two supermassive
black holes in the galaxy NGC 6240 will merge into one black
hole. The observation of the galaxy NGC 6240 is important for
building models for the formation of galaxies and black holes. It
is not yet clear which process dominates the growth of the black
holes, their merger following the merger of galaxies or the mass
increase due to the accretion of matter. If mergers of black
holes are frequent enough, the gravitational waves they produce
can be registered by gravitational wave detectors within the next
few years (see Physics-Uspekhi 43
691 (2000)). Source:
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.