Electron-phonon interactions in HTSCs
1 September 2001
According to angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy data
obtained by a group of scientists from the USA and Japan, the
electron-phonon interaction (EPI) plays a central role in the
conduction mechanism in high-temperature superconductors (HTSCs).
The phenomenon of superconductivity relates to the Bose
condensation of Cooper pairs of electrons. Electrons in metallic
(low-temperature) superconductors pair up by exchanging phonons,
quasi-particles corresponding to crystal lattice vibrations.
According to certain theoretical and experimental arguments (see
Phys. Usp. 43 965 (2000)),
a relatively strong EPI should also
exist in HTSC systems, although the electron-phonon mechanism is
insufficient to fully account for the superconducting properties
of these systems. Therefore a more complex, yet-unidentified
electron pairing mechanism was believed to be at work in HTSCs.
Indeed, it was widely held that there is no noticeable EPI at all
in these systems. Still, the photoemission experiment by A
Lanzara and his colleagues now shows that EPI may be important
after all. This experiment measured the energy spectrum of the
holes which synchrotron radiation produced by knocking out
electrons in samples of three types of cuprate HTSCs. The
spectrum showed a kink which could be interpreted as a change in
the hole effective mass due to the interaction with a certain
boson field. The authors present strong evidence that this occurs
due to the interaction of electrons with phonons. Earlier, this
kink has been repeatedly observed in metallic superconductors,
where it is known for certain that it is due to the electron-
phonon interaction. To elucidate the role of this interaction in
HTSCs, new theoretical ideas and experimental studies are needed.
Nature 412 510 (2001) ;
Electron waves in nanotubes
1 September 2001
Carbon nanotubes display distinct quantum mechanical properties
owing to their microscopic size. Calculations show, in
particular, that an electron wave function in a nanotube should
be a superposition of two vibrations with close wavelengths, and
that the addition of the modes should lead to spatial beats in
the electron density distribution. If the mode wavelengths are
approximately equal to the nearest-neighbour carbon-carbon
distance, the beats occur on the time scale of several atoms.
This effect was first discovered by C Dekker and his colleagues
at Delft technological University in Netherlands using an
improved version of a scanning tunneling microscope. The team not
only measured the variation of the tunneling current with the
position of the microscope probe but also determined the
dependence of the current on the electric voltage for each
position of the probe. The high accuracy of the new technique
allowed the researchers to determine the density distribution of
electrons as a function of their energy and also to confirm the
prediction of beats.
Nature 412 617 (2001)
Semiconducting detector of IR radiation
1 September 2001
A superconducting detector capable of capturing single photons of
IR radiation has been developed by a team led by R Sobolevski at
the University of Rochester. The possibility of creating
superconducting detectors has been discussed for long in the
scientific literature. The sensor developed by the team is a one-
atom-thick, 0.2-mkm-wide ribbon of niobium nitride laid on a
sapphire substrate. When cooled to 4.2 K, the ribbon becomes
superconducting. The absorption of an IR photon leads to the
breakup of Cooper pairs and destroys superconductivity locally in
a region of about a ribbon width in size - thus affecting the
current flowing through the ribbon. Shortly after,
superconductivity reappears, though. The superconducting IR
detector is thousands of times more sensitive and faster (several
GHz) than their semiconductor-based counterparts.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 705 (2001)
Possible variation in the fine structure constant
1 September 2001
Absorption lines in quasar spectra form when radiation from the
quasar travels through the intergalactic gas clouds in the
quasar's line of sight. The relative position of the lines of
various chemical elements depends on the magnitude of the fine
structure constant alpha=
. Using the high-precision spectrometer
HIRES on the 10-meter Keck II telescope in Hawaii, J Webb and his
colleagues in Australia analyzed spectral lines for a number of
metals, spanning redshifts 0.5 < z < 3.5 and hence emitted at
various epochs. The researchers conclude that over the last 6
billion years alpha grew by about 0.001% for each of four independent
line sets, it being claimed that the result has a good
statistical significance. Because this finding would be of
immense importance if confirmed, its careful verification and
further investigations along these lines are needed. The
possibility that physical constants may vary with time has been
discussed since the 1930s and is not inconsistent with current
unified theories of fundamental interactions.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 091301 (2001)
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.