1 August 2000
M Porto of Tel Aviv University in Israel and his colleagues
proposed a theoretical model of a moving microscopic (nanometre-
sized) device they dubbed `locomotive'. In its simplest version,
this is a system of three balls connected sequentially by two
variable-length springs, possibly light-sensitive molecules that
can change their shape when absorbing light. When one illuminates
them by a narrow light beam so as to alternately increase and
decrease their length, the strings could move the balls along a
corrugated surface. Motion in two perpendicular directions is
achieved by adding more balls and strings to the system. While no
prototype is yet available, the device holds a promise of great
possibilities in medicine and in the design of mechanical
Right- and left handed molecules
1 August 2000
Many molecules come in two varieties, one the mirror image of the
other. While these `right-' and `left-handed' varieties are
equally abundant in the non-organic world, amino acids that form
the basis of proteins are always left-handed for some yet unknown
reason (see
Uspekhi 166 873 (1996)
for more). True, an excess of
one variety over the other may be created by shining circularly
polarized light on chemically reacting substances, but polarized
light is too rare in nature to be a factor in biological
evolution. Now G Rikken and E Raupach of the Grenoble High
Magnetic Field Laboratory in France have found a new way is which
a `right-' versus `left-hand' asymmetry may appear. Exposing a
complex unstable chrome compound to the combined action of an
ordinary unpolarized light beam and a magnetic field of the same
direction, they saw the molecules of one variety to dominate in
the solution. The result is the same if polarized light is used,
and if the magnetic field is reversed, the other variety builds
up. If the light beam is perpendicular to the field, no asymmetry
is observed. Some believe it is this effect which is behind the
right to left-hand asymmetry in living organisms.
Source:Nature 405 932 (2000)
Soft dipole resonance in He-6
1 August 2000
Many nuclei with extra neutrons (isotopes) may be treated as made
up of the main nucleus plus a system of additional neutrons; such
nuclei are normally nonspherical and their deformability makes
then susceptible to vibrational excitation. In Li-6, for example,
it has been predicted that the three protons oscillate together
opposite to the three neutrons, and in He-6 the coupled system of
two protons and two neutrons (alpha-particle) oscillates opposite to
the two remaining neutrons. The reason this `soft dipole
resonance' has thus far evaded experimental detection is that in
a real nucleus different vibrational modes are coupled with each
other as well as with the rotational and other degrees of
freedom. Now physicists in Japan have for the first time
discovered the resonance in He-6 nuclei formed in a Li-6 target
struck by a beam of Li-7.
Physics News Update, Number 492
Spin liquid
1 August 2000
The so-called resonance valence bonds between spins predicted by
P W Anderson back in 1973 have been discovered by a Britain-US-
Polish collaboration in a neutron-scattering study of Cs2CuCl4
strong magnetic field at low temperature - conditions, under
which this material behaves as a two-dimensional antiferromagnet
and its properties are determined by the interaction of
quasiparticles known as spinons. As a result of the resonance
effect, a strong increase in neutron scattering intensity is
observed. Also, large ground-state quantum oscillations are noted
as also is the stabilizing effect of an additional magnetic field
directed along a crystal lattice plane.
Source: http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/0007172
A brown dwarf flare
1 August 2000
Brown dwarfs are a special class of stars, intermediate between
normal stars and planets, whose small mass prevents stable fusion
reactions in their cores. Because of the gravitational energy
released due to the slow compression process in brown dwarfs,
they are rather dim objects. Chandra X-ray Observatory now has
produced strong evidence for the presence of a magnetic field in
brown dwarfs by detecting a sudden X-ray flare from a brown dwarf
LP 944-20 located 16 light years from Earth. The flare, with
emitted energy about a million times that of Jupiter flares,
faded away over the next two hours and was presumably due to
processes occurring in the magnetized turbulent gas near the
object's surface.
Source: http://chndra.nasa.gov
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.