Short-range gravity
1 June 2000
While an overwhelmingly dominant factor on cosmic scales, under
laboratory conditions the force of gravity is generally
negligible compared to electrical and magnetic forces, and it is
virtually non-existent at the atomic and subatomic levels where
the strong and weak interactions come into play. Since 1798, when
gravitational attraction between two laboratory masses was first
detected by Cavendish, such experiments have been growing
continuously in accuracy, and now a new high precision
measurement has been reported at an American Physical Society
meeting in Long Beach. E Adelberger of the University of
Washington and his colleagues have managed to measure the force
of gravity over distances as small as 150 microns using a disk-
shaped pendulum suspended above another disk, with a copper foil
stretched between them to shield undesired electrical fields and
thus to eliminate additional forces they produce. Importantly, no
departure from Newton's law of gravity was detected. Short-range
gravity studies are of interest as a testing ground for theories
which assume extra spatial dimensions and predict departures from
Newton's inverse-square law of gravity at small distances.
At the same meeting, a nearly order-of-magnitude improvement in
the accuracy of the gravitational constant G was announced by J H
Gundlach, also of the University of Washington. He and his
colleagues obtained a value
G=6.67390x10-8sm3g-1s-2Physics News Update
Quantizing heat flow
1 June 2000
Electrical conduction is known to be quantized, i. e., to change
in tiny discrete quantum units, the effect being particularly
pronounced when the electronic de Broglie wavelength approaches
the diameter of the conductor. Since heat likewise is carried by
discrete quasiparticles (known as phonons), thermal conductivity
has also been theoretically expected to possess this quantization
property. This effect has now been seen for the first time in a
Caltech experiment where heat flow along a thermally conducting
wire only 500 atoms wide was studied between two microscopic
`phonon cavities.' The temperature of the cavities was measured
by squids, measuring devices that depend on the Josephson effect
in superconductors for their operation. As expected, the values
of the heat flow along the wire were multiples of a quantity
equal to a quantum heat unit.
Nature 27 April 2000
Magnetic fields inside superconductors
1 June 2000
A Britain-Swiss collaboration has managed to achieve a spatial
resolution of tens of nm by using low-energy muons to map
magnetic fields inside a superconductor. Because the magnetic
moment of a muon undergoes precession when in a magnetic field, a
positron, one of the muon's decay particles, carries information
about the magnetic field the muon has passed through before
decaying, thus enabling the spatial structure of the magnetic
field to be mapped up by registering positron signals. While an
external magnetic field can penetrate a superconductor to a
limited depth, standard techniques fail to measure the magnetic
field in the bulk of a sample. The new technique has confirmed
the prediction that the magnetic field decreases strictly
exponentially with increasing depth, both for normal and high-
temperature superconductors.
Source: http://publish.aps.org/FOCUS/
Cosmic microwave background fluctuations
1 June 2000
Radio telescopes suspended beneath the balloon of the
international Boomerang experiment have yielded new results on
the angular fluctuations in the temperature of the cosmic
background radiation. Years ago, a prediction was made by A D
Sakharov and worked out in detail by Silka, Ya B Zel'dovich, and
R A Syunyaev that the average value of such fluctuations depends
periodically on the angular scale due to the interaction between
the adiabatic mass-density fluctuations and the radiation in
sound waves that are close in time to the hydrogen recombination
process. Of this periodic variation, only the first acoustic peak
was found in previous work. The new data, in addition to locating
more accurately the first peak, demonstrated the existence of a
second peak. Both the position and magnitude of the acoustic
peaks depend on the parameters of the cosmological model used -
in particular on the magnitude of the baryonic matter
contribution to the total cosmological density. From the new
observations, the first peak is located at somewhat large-than-
expected angular scales and the second one is a bit lower than
expected theoretically. Explanations for these findings are
lacking. One possibility, a large baryon contribution, would be
inconsistent with the standard picture of big bang
nucleosynthesis. Accordingly, attempts at modifying this picture
by introducing, for example, a decaying tau-neutrino or lepton
asymmetry, have been made.
The Boomerang experiment has also confirmed that the total matter
density in the universe (including the hidden mass, baryonic
matter, and the Lambda-terms) is close to the critical value, and in
this case the geometry of the universe is close to Euclidean, the
Lambda-term accounting for two thirds of the total density.
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.