Laser applications in nuclear physics
1 March 2000
Two research teams, one at Livermore Lab and one at the
Rutherford Laboratory, UK, have independently reported using
ultraintense lasers for producing nuclear reactions. In the
Livermore experiment, a 1015-W, 0.5-ps laser pulse strikes a
target made of gold, copper, and uranium-238. Electrons knocked
out of gold produce gamma quanta which in turn knock high-energy
neutrons out of the target; these neutrons then split uranium-238
nuclei. The experimental technique used enabled the electron
energy spectrum and the quantities of gold, copper and other
isotopes produced in the target, to be measured. The isotopic
composition was found to be identical to that predicted from the
electron energy spectrum. The UK experiment was performed using a
50×1012-W VULCAN laser, whose 1-ps pulses bombarded a tantalum (rather
than gold) target; the reactions studied were those in K, Zn, and
Ag, and the fission of uranium. The report represents a new class
of nuclear physics experiments and holds the promise that the
expensive accelerator facilities of today will not be needed in
the future. Source:
Polariton amplifier
1 March 2000
Polaritons are quasiparticles arising from the interaction of
photons with solid-state elementary excitations such as phonons,
excitons, plasmons, etc. The exciton variety of the polariton may
exist in a semiconductor surrounded by a mirror-like reflecting
wall. In these conditions, a self-destructing exciton - i. e., an
electron-hole pair - emits a photon, which when reflected from
the wall produces another exciton. Multiple transitions between
photons and excitons may be treated as quasiparticles - i. e.,
polaritons. Researchers from Great Britain succeeded in
increasing the number of polaritons via a process analogous to
the stimulated emission that leads to laser amplification. J J
Baumberg and his colleagues produced polaritons in a thin
semiconductor film by shining it with a laser beam, the polariton
momentum p being controlled by changing the angle of the beam
with respect to the film. By first using a powerful laser beam
the researchers produced a large number of non-zero-momentum
polaritons in the semiconductor. A second, weaker beam was than
directed perpendicular to the film and created zero-momentum (p=0)
polaritons. These latter, although small in number, stimulated
the initial polaritons to go over to a non-zero-momentum state,
thus increasing by a factor of almost 50 the number of polaritons
in this state. Importantly, it is found that polaritons are
bosonic particles, i. e., they can gather in one quantum state -
implying the possibility of creating a polariton analogue of the
Bose-Einstein condensate. Source: Phys. Rev. Lett., 84, 1547, 2000
1 March 2000
Although the phenomenon of sonoluminescence - the generation of
UV radiation by air bubbles collapsing under the action of sound
in water - is not yet completely understood, it is believed that
hot plasma in the collapsing bubbles is the dominant factor.
While theoretical estimates give a bubble plasma temperature of
25,000 or possibly somewhat higher, a nuclear fusion temperature
of as high as 15×106K is considered possible by some physicists. This
hypothesis, however, is extremely difficult to verify because the
bubble collapse time, 100 ps, is much too short even for high-
speed cameras. A research team led by J Putterman and by R Pecha
of the University of Stuttgart in Germany have taken an important
step in solving the problem. Using a camera with a 400-ps time
resolution to study the propagation process around the location
of shock wave collapse, they found that the outgoing shock wave
moves at four times the speed of sound. Although this finding
says nothing new about the plasma temperature, it certainly
disproves theories in which the collapse of a bubble is a
subsonic process. It is believed that the experimental study of
the thermal motion of electrons will help to determine the
temperature of bubble plasma. Source:
A new x-ray telescope
1 March 2000
XMM-Newton, an earth-orbiting x-ray telescope recently launched
by the European Space Agency, is now beginning to report its
first data on celestial x-rays sources. XMM's powerful
spectrographs designed at Columbia University are capable of
providing the highest resolution x-ray spectra currently
possible. For example, the observation of the close binary star
HR1099 revealed earlier unknown features - in particular, carbon
and nitrogen emission lines - in its spectrum. Along with x-ray
observations, the telescope can also perform synchronous optical
and UV measurements. With many of XMM characteristics being
superior to those of the previously launched Chandra telescope,
many intriguing results are expected down the road. Source:
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.