Three body problem
1 February 2000
Along with pair interactions, those between trios of charged
particles are operative in many physical phenomena, the electron
ionization of a hydrogen atom being the simplest but very
important example. Owing to huge mathematical difficulties, no
complete solutions have thus far been obtained for this or
similar problems, whether analytically or numerically in spite of
the half a century of computer technology, and only a limited
number of special models with infinite spherical or plane wave
functions have been successfully treated. Now, scientists at the
Berkeley National Laboratory have for the first time solved the
problem using a supercomputer and subjecting the Schr#dinger
equation to a special transformation which allows electron wave
functions vanishing at infinity to be treated as wave packets. In
this way, the cross section and other characteristics of the
process have been exactly determined.
Source: http://www.lbl.gov/
Superconducting balls
1 February 2000
R Tao of the Southern Illinois University and his colleagues
observed an intriguing phenomenon when viewing a suspension of 20
micron-sized copper oxide superconducting particles in liquid
nitrogen. When an electric current was passed between two
electrodes immersed in liquid nitrogen, it was found that, rather
than arranging themselves along the current lines as expected,
the suspended particles formed themselves into balls about 0.25
mm across, each containing over a million particles. The balls
formed very quickly and were even stable against collisions with
electrodes. It is believed that the particles ball up because it
is energetically favorable for them to do so from the surface
energy viewpoint. Unfortunately, the liquid nitrogen employed for
creating the suspension prevented the careful study of the ball
structure. Presumably, gravity-free space flight experiments will
provide more information.
Source: Physics News Update, Number 464
Hot gas Milky Way halo
1 February 2000
Only recently in orbit, and at least 100 times more powerful than
its predecessors, NASA's ultraviolet space observatory (FUSE) is
now yielding its first results, particularly data on the
composition, velocity, and spatial distribution of interstellar
gas obtained by the spectral analysis of the light of remote
stars coming through the gas. The first target of the observatory
is the Milky Way halo, a football-shaped, half-million-degree
gaseous object extending 5,000 to 10,000 light years. Although
the halo has been known for long, its origin was the subject of
much debate in the astronomical community. Some scientists
thought it was due to star wind and UV radiation from hot stars,
according to others, shock waves from supernova explosions
produced the halo. Having revealed the presence of hydrogen ions
in the halo - which could only appear in the second scenario -
FUSE data have in fact proved that the halo was largely produced
by supernova explosions, numbered in thousands and involving
ejections of matter and powerful shock waves. An important task
now facing FUSE is to determine the abundance of deuterium in
space - a quantity which contains valuable information on the
first minutes of the universe's evolution.
Source: http://www.nasa.gov/,
1 February 2000
The MACHO project. One of the major goals of the MACHO project
in recent years has been the observation of the microlensing of
the stars of the Large Magellanic Cloud, our galaxy's companion.
The microlensing effect, i. e., the gravitational focusing of the
light of a star by a massive object located on the line of sight
of the star, is observed as star brightness changes lasting from
a few days to over one year, the time interval the moving
gravitational lens takes to cross the line of sight. By now, 13
to 17 microlensing events has been recorded reliably - several
times more than expected from lensing by well-known astrophysical
objects like brown dwarfs, Jupiter-type planets, or neutron
stars. Thus, gravitational lenses cannot be identified with any
known type of cosmic object and are possibly components of the
so-called hidden mass - e. g., fossil black holes in some models.
Most of the individual objects have masses from 0.15 to 0.9 solar
mass and together they may account for as much as 20% of the
galaxy's total mass according to the latest observations.
Isolated black holes. Two microlensing events of very long
durations, lasting 800 and 500 days, have been recorded using a
number of ground-based telescopes and NASA's Hubble Space
Telescope. The latter, providing the accurate characteristics of
the lensed stars, allowed the masses of the gravitational lenses
to be determined, which turned to be about 6 solar masses in
either event. Since neither neutron stars nor brown dwarfs can be
that heavy, isolated black holes are most likely to do the
microlensing. Previously, objects with black hole type properties
have been seen only in pairs with ordinary stars using the x-ray
radiation from the accretion disks. The new data suggest that
black holes are rather numerous and that they may emerge isolated
in the explosions of lone massive stars.
Source: http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/astro-ph/0001272,
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.