Having evidence for the Higgs boson?
1 November 2000
Higgs bosons H are quanta of a scalar field which was introduced
by P Higgs in 1964 to secure the renormalization property of the
weak interaction in elementary particle physics. The experimental
proof of the existence of H is one of the challenges facing high-
energy physics. Now the ALEPH experiment conducted at the LEP
accelerator at CERN in Geneva, Italy, has provided indirect
evidence for the presence of H in reaction products. The search
for H was done by studying four-jet events resulting from
simultaneous decays of H and Z bosons, with two jets of particles
being produced in either. For three of such events, the observed
signal was found to be above the background by an amount which
indicated H with mass of 114 GeV to be involved. However, because
neither this result is statistically significant enough nor
alternative explanations can be excluded, a definitive conclusion
about the detection of H is not possible, and a decision was
therefore made to continue with the ALEPH experiment.
The Lamb shift
1 November 2000
According to quantum theory, vacuum is a polarizable medium: an
electric charge in vacuum is surrounded by a cloud of virtual
pairs which partially screen the charge. An electron approaching
the atomic nucleus penetrates this cloud, which increases the
effective nucleus-electron interaction - an experimentally
observable effect underlying the so-called Lamb shift of the
atomic energy levels. For the hydrogen atom, the Lamb shift has
been measured to 0.01% and is found to agree well with theory. An
electromagnetic interaction even stronger than that seen in the
hydrogen atom takes place between the electrons and nuclei of
heavy atoms. Researchers at the GSI Laboratory in Darmstadt,
Germany, passed a beam of uranium-92 atoms through a foil with
the result that the atoms were stripped of all but one of their
electrons and thus turned into 91+ ions. In such ions, an
electric field as high as
1016V cm-1
operates between the nucleus
and the remaining electron. The Lamb shift in such ions was
measured to be 468(±13) eV, in agreement with quantum
electrodynamics predictions. The team hopes, an accuracy of 1 eV
will soon be achieved.
Bremsstrahlung photons
1 November 2000
When high-energy, heavy atomic nuclei collide head-on, in
addition to their fission products such as neutrons and lighter
nuclei, many other particles are produced. Some of these decay by
emitting gamma photons, and these photons were detected in many
experiments. The cloud of particles that forms around the
location of a collision has properties very similar to those of
hot plasma, and this latter is known to emit bremsstrahlung
radiation. The first detection of this additional radiation has
now been accomplished at CERN in collisions between lead nuclei,
and based on the characteristics of this radiation, some
theorists believe quark gluon plasma might have been produced in
such collisions.
Physics News Update, Number 505
Melting of atomic clusters
1 November 2000
The traditional view is that a small solid particle has a lower
melting point than a large one: in the former, relatively more
atoms are close to the surface and so have fewer neighbour atoms
to interact with - hence a lower binding energy per unit mass of
the particle. However, A A Shvartsburg and M F Jarrold found the
reverse to occur in their experiments on the melting of Si and Ge
clusters as small as 15-30 atoms. They studied the motion of
cigar-shaped clusters through a drift chamber filled with gaseous
helium, and their idea was that when assuming a spherical shape
upon melting, such clusters would experience more elastic
resistance to their motion, and this would affect the amount of
time they take to traverse the chamber. As it was, however, the
clusters did not melt up to temperatures 50 K above the melting
point of the bulk material. The theoretical explanation for this
effect is still lacking.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 85 2530 (2000)
Optical interferometer
1 November 2000
Cepheids are a special class of variable stars which, due to the
stable nature of their brightness-pulsation period dependence,
form convenient `standard candles' for distance determination
purposes. Knowing distances to and the redshifts of Cepheid-
containing galaxies makes it possible to determine the expansion
rate and age of the Universe, but to do this it is necessary
first to calibrate the brightness of the Cepheids, for which
purpose distances to the closest of them must be very accurately
measured. Because the physical diameter of the Cepheids is known
from other data, the measurements of the distance reduces to
measuring the Cepheid's angular diameter, which is about 0.001
arcseconds for even the closest Cepheids. However, even the
resolving power of the Hubble telescope does not exceed 0.1 arcs, let
alone ground-based telescopes subject to the degrading effect of
the atmosphere. This problem can be overcome by pooling
observations from several ground-based telescopes united into one
optical interferometer. Attempts at such a system date back to
the 1920s, but only recently, with advances in computer and
optical technologies, has a real progress been made in this area.
The optical interferometer constructed at Palomar Observatory in
California, US, has a resolution of 0.001 arcs, equivalent to a single
telescope with a mirror 110 m in diameter. The distance to one of
the Cepheids has already been found with high accuracy using the
new interferometer, and this will enable a cosmic distance scale
and the age of the Universe to be determined.
Nature 407 485 (2000)
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.