The fourth spatial dimension
1 January 2000
Theoretical physicists have long argued that our universe may
have other spatial dimensions in addition to those three we know
of, which for some reason neither experiment nor human senses can
detect. In nine-space-dimensional string theory, for example,
these additional dimensions are compactified - curled up to a
microscopic size. A model proposed by L Randall and R Sundrum now
assumes that our world is a three-space-dimensional subspace of a
four-space-dimensional universe and while the electromagnetic,
weak, and strong forces are limited to this subspace, the
gravitational force - essentially a deformation of space-time -
operates in all four dimensions. By solving Einstein's equations
for this model, it is shown that the law of gravity operative in
the three-dimensional subspace remains practically unaffected by
the fourth spatial dimension. As regards the minor corrections
predicted by the theory (assuming of course that the theory is
correct and that such corrections do exist), it is not yet known
whether they can be detected experimentally. Source:
Phys. Rev. Lett., 83, 4690, 1999
Atom amplifier
1 January 2000
A new technique for increasing atomic beam intensity is developed
by an MIT team led by W Ketterle and D E Pritchard, which has the
advantage of conserving information about the structure of the
original beam. As compared to electromagnetic waves, atomic beams
are much more difficult to amplify because, unlike photons, atoms
do not disappear and their number is conserved. The development
of the atom amplifier is preceded by the 1998 MIT discovery that
an atomic beam can be generated by illuminating a Bose-Einstein
condensate by laser light with a specific direction and specific
polarization. In the new amplifier, a beam of sodium atoms is
amplified when passed through a condensate simultaneously with
laser light. The beam at the output is coherent with respects to
and 30 times stronger than that at the input. The new technique
has possible applications in ultrahigh precision measuring
devices according to the researchers. Source:
Nature, December 9, 1999
Interaction cross section of ultracold neutrons
1 January 2000
The largest nuclear cross section known, 5x107barn , was
observed by H Rauch of the Atom Institute in Vienna and his
colleagues using a beam of ultracold neutrons to bombard the
gadolinium nucleus. A giant absorption cross section of neutrons
in Gd had been predicted theoretically as being due to a certain
resonant energy-level configuration in the Gd nucleus which
enables it to capture any neutron approaching within a distance
10,000 times its diameter. The team used a solution of Gd in
heavy water (D2O) as a target and took the neutron beam to be as
slow as 10 m per s, which is equivalent to a temperature of about 1
mK (since slow neutrons spend more time near the target nucleus,
they are more likely to interact, which increases the cross
section for this reaction). A deviation from the theoretical law
1/v at velocities below 4 m per s is attributed to the fact that the
solution used was dilute and a beam neutron therefore met less
than one Gd nucleus on the average on its path. Source:
Phys. Rev. Lett., 83, 4955, 1999
The second law of thermodynamics
1 January 2000
According to the second law of thermodynamics, heat cannot flow
unassisted from a cold to a warm body, nor Maxwell's `demon'
violates this law whatever the first impression. In fact it is
this thought experiment which was conducted at the University of
Essen in Germany using sand grains to imitate ideal gas molecules
in a box divided into two equal chambers by a baffle with a hole
in it. When the box is agitated and the sand is thus set in
random motion, it turns out that slower grains start to
congregate in the lower part of one chamber, implying an increase
in the number of faster particles in the second chamber. The
reason why the second law is not violated in this case is that
sand grains cannot be viewed as ideal molecules since they
dissipate the energy of their translational motion when colliding
with each other. When grains start to congregate in one of the
chambers as a result of their random motion, they loose more
energy and became slower because of more frequent collisions -
leading to more congregation. Source:
Physics News Update, Number 461; Phys. Rev. Lett., December 20, 1999
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.