Nondestructive photon detection
1 August 1999
While a conventional photodetector measures a photon by
converting it into an electrical signal after an absorption
event, nondestructive photon observations are not ruled out by
the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics, and indeed a number of
nondestructive techniques have been developed over the years.
These, however, have been too difficult to execute until now.
Researchers from France have recently been successful in
performing a nondestructive observation. In the experiment of
Nogues and coworkers, an atom of rubidium passes through a cavity
between two mirrors, whose wave function phase shift acquired in
the presence of a photon can easily be detected. By sending
additional rubidium atoms through the cavity, one can measure the
photon repeatedly without destroying it. Although a photon is not
destroyed as a particle, its quantum state is of course altered
in accord with Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. The method may
be used in quantum logic gates design, according to the authors.
Unusual crystals
1 August 1999
In usual diffraction experiments, x-ray radiation passing through
an atomic crystalline lattice forms a characteristic interference
pattern after being scattered on the atoms. Austrian physicist
Zeilinger and his colleagues performed what may be called an
inverse experiment by making a standing electromagnetic wave
(`crystal') scatter an atomic beam. The wave was produced by
reflecting a laser beam from a mirror, and the beam was formed in
the so-called `atomic laser.' Having passed the standing wave,
atoms produce an interference pattern similar to that obtained on
a crystal lattice. While experiments of this type were started by
Zeilinger' group back in 1996, the most complete analog of Bragg
diffraction has only recently was obtained.
Superhigh precision measurement of light frequency
1 August 1999
A technique for measuring the frequency of visible light to a
precision of 3×10-17 (to compare with the 2×10-15 accuracy of the best atomic transition clocks) has been developed at the Max
Planck Institute for Quantum Optics using femtosecond laser
pulses with a regular set of different frequencies forming their
spectra. By comparing the laser emission, light signal, and
reference wave frequencies, first the frequency difference
between the signal and the reference wave, and then the signal
frequency itself can be determined to high accuracy. In this way,
the atomic transition frequencies of caesium (D1 line) were
measured with 100 times the accuracy of previous measurements.
With this technique, it is hoped that a more effective optical
version of atomic clocks can be developed and more accurate
values for some of the fundamental constants will be obtained.
Physics News Update, Number 434
Neutrino oscillation
1 August 1999
New evidence for neutrino oscillation (mutual transformations of
different neutrino types) has been found in the K2K (KEK +
Kamiokande) experiment in Japan. In this, a narrow neutrino beam
was generated by the proton accelerator at the KEK laboratory
near Tokyo, whose muon and tau neutrino percentages were measured
using a number of detectors, particularly a kiloton water
Cherenkov detector, to record neutrino events. The neutrino beam
then traveled 250 km in Earth and reached the underground Super-
Kamiokande detector, a steel 50,000-ton water reservoir with
thousands photomultipliers on its inside surface for detecting
Cherenkov radiation. At this end, a greatly reduced number of
muon neutrinos indicated oscillation processes to occur in the
traveling beam. Evidence for neutrino oscillation was also found
in the Super-Kamionde experiments about a year ago, when
neutrinos from cosmic ray collisions with the upper atmospheric
layers were examined. The phenomenon of neutrino oscillation
requires non-zero-mass neutrinos, and these are predicted by most
Grand Unification theories in which various interaction types
(weak, electromagnetic, and strong) are united. The neutrino
oscillation discovery may help explain the deficit of solar
neutrinos, and massive neutrinos may account for a large part of
dark matter (or hidden mass) in the Universe thus furthering our
understanding of its large-scale structure.
Star birth
1 August 1999
According to current views, stars are formed by the gravitational
contraction of and subsequent thermonuclear reactions in the
dense clouds of interstellar gas and dust. The details of these
processes are not entirely clear, however, nor the conditions for
the formation of particular star types are known. At present,
while very old stars aged 13 billion years or more and also very
young stars exist, the star formation process goes on so that in
principle protostars at the very early evolution stage of cold
cloud contraction can be present. This stage is normally
difficult to see, however, because the dust component of the
protostar material blocks light and so prevents the protostar
interiors from observation. This difficulty has been overcome by
E. Lada and her colleagues at the University of Florida, who
developed an elegant near-infrared technique for observing stars.
Specifically, the object they studied was the dark globule
Barnard 68 (B68), 500 light years from Earth and located against
a dense background of stars whose infrared light does penetrate
the globule. Based on the change in the color of the background
stars, the distribution of dust within the B68 globule was
examined and some information on its inner structure obtained. It
is found that B68 is currently at the very early contraction
stage, and that it will take another 10,000 years or so for the
contraction to complete. About 10 million years after that,
thermonuclear reactions will start and a new star will form.
About 4.5 billion years ago, our Sun must have undergone similar
Source: http://unisci.com/
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.