Antiproton studies
1 June 1999
As another step in the search for possible particle-antiparticle
differences, high precision measurements of the proton's charge-
to-mass ratio q/m were carried out at CERN by G Gabrielse and his
colleagues. In this experiment, antiprotons produced in the
accelerator were slowed down to a very low velocity and directed
into an ion trap, after which the bending of their paths by the
trap's magnetic field allowed the value of q/m to be obtained.
This value was found to be within 9×10-11 of its proton counterpart, a
result which represents about an order-of-magnitude improvement
over previous studies. A new proton-antiproton asymmetry, if
discovered, would have far-reaching implications for the theory
of elementary particles. Source:
Multiple states of Rydberg atoms
1 June 1999
P Bucksbaum, of the University of Michigan, and his colleagues
have employed laser pulses of very short duration for placing a
highly excited Rydberg atom in many quantum states
simultaneously. When absorbed by an atom, such a pulse, a
superposition of electromagnetic waves of different frequencies,
transforms into a superposition of the quantum states of atomic
electrons. In a Rydberg state, an electron is not an `electron
cloud' surrounding the nucleus but rather a wavepacket circling
the nucleus like a planet around a star. Applying a series of
laser pulses can create a number of wavepackets that interfere
with each other. The effect is of interest for quantum computer
design: even today, several bits of information can already be
stored using a single Rydberg atom.
Physics News Update, Number 429
Development of roughness in the atomic deposition process
1 June 1999
Dutch research team led by S van Dijken have used copper as an
example material to study the formation of roughness during the
deposition of atoms on a surface. However smooth a surface may
look, the presence of protruding islands of atoms always makes it
rough on the atomic scale. These islands affect electrostatically
and attract the atoms being deposited, thus increasing the
already existing microscopic roughness. The phenomenon has
possible applications in novel molecule-sized structures with
tailored properties.
Physics News Update, Number 428
Distant radio galaxy
1 June 1999
A radio galaxy is a source of powerful radio waves typically
generated, by a synchronous mechanism, in two gas clouds, 10 to
100 kpc from the galaxy's centre, that are due to energy release
from the galaxy's core. In the course of a systematic search for
distant galaxies among ultra-steep spectrum sources, the most
distant known galaxy has been discovered using the Keck II
telescope. Experience shows that the larger a galaxy's (absolute)
spectral index, the higher its luminosity and hence the easier
its discovery. Keck II images made in the infrared showed the new
galaxy to have an emission line Ly-α shifted towards the IR range
because of the expansion of the Universe. The value of the
galaxy's redshift is found to be z=5.19. The galaxy's radio
emission that now reaches the Earth was produced when the galaxy
was no more that one tenth its present age.
Source: http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/astro-ph/9904272
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.