Superfluidity of the Bose-Einstein condensate
1 November 1999
In the past few years the Bose degenerate gas (Bose-Einstein
condensate) of some alkali metals and hydrogen atoms has been
produced. Such a condensate forms at low temperatures - when the
average distance between atoms becomes comparable to their de
Broglie wavelength - and its atoms are all in the same quantum
state, implying that the condensate is superfluid. To demonstrate
this superfluidity directly, two experiments, one at NIST and the
other at MIT, were performed. The NIST team observed quantized
superfluidity vortices in the condensate of rubidium atoms. These
latter, originally residing in two different states of spin, were
subject to the combined action of a microwave radiation and laser
light with the result that some of them reversed their spin and
so became involved in a vortex motion, each vortex containing one
unit of angular momentum. In the MIT experiment, a laser beam
punched a hole in a sample of Bose-Einstein condensate and then
scanned it along the sample, the moving hole being equivalent to
a moving body. Characteristically for the superfluid state, a
critical velocity (of 2 mm/sec) was found below which no energy
dissipation was observed. Source:
Physics News Update, Number 449
Quantum properties of the fullerene
1 November 1999
Louis de Broglie's particle-wave duality is one of the foundation
stones of quantum mechanics, and by now not only individual
elementary particles but also atoms and even small atomic
clusters have been observed to possess wave properties. Recently
the wave properties of the fullerene C60 and C70 molecules have
been demonstrated by the Austrian physicist A Zeilinger and his
colleagues, who were able to create interference patterns using
beams of these molecules. It has been a matter of debate since
the early days of quantum mechanics, to what extent its wave
concepts are applicable to macroscopic objects (in particular,
Schroedinger's well-known thought experiment with a cat is a good
illustration). The C70 is the biggest object thus far to reveal
wave properties, and it is unlikely that such objects as, say,
The passage of light through holes
1 November 1999
While elementary theory maintains that light cannot pass through
a hole less than the light wavelength across, in 1998 a French
research group led by T Ebbesen showed this to be possible for
certain wavelengths if a metal plate perforated with small holes
is illuminated with the light. This effect was explained in terms
of plasmons, i. e. vibrations of electrons on the metal surface,
and now computer simulations by J. Pendry of the University of
London and his Spanish colleagues have confirmed this hypothesis.
The simulations show that the incident light excites plasmon
modes on the metal surface, which then carry energy to the
opposite side of the plate where this energy is reconverted to
light. So what passes through the plate is in fact the energy
stored in light rather than light itself. The calculations agree
favorably with experiment even though, for the sake of
simplicity, narrow slits were taken to model real holes. Owing to
the resonance properties of the plasmons, the light transmission
coefficient should depend on the thickness of the plate according
to the researchers. Source:
Unusual star
1 November 1999
The η Carina variable star located 10,000 light years from Earth
is one of the most interesting objects in our Galaxy. It is 150
times as massive and 4 million times as bright as the Sun, and
its bipolar ejecta indicate the existence of an intense magnetic
field in the star. Although the nebula surrounding the star looks
like a supernova remnant, the explosion that created it did not,
for some unknown reason, lead to the destruction of the star and
to its transformation to a black hole or a neutron star. It is
believed that the nebula acts like a natural UV laser analogous
to a microwave maser. Using the Chandra X-ray Observatory, new
features, namely an outer gaseous ring, a hot inner core, and a
hot central source with a supermassive star within were
discovered in the nebula's structure, which are 2 light years, 3
light months, and less than one light month in diameter,
respectively and were presumably formed by shock waves due to the
star's explosions. Source:
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.