A way to measure minute forces
1 May 1997
Scientists from IBM's Almden Research Center and Stanford University
have developed a technique whereby forces of the order of
7×10-18N can be measured, using a mechanical sensor. The ability to measure so
tiny forces is basic to the operation of a new instrument, called the magnetic
resonance force microscope (MRFM), still under development. As scientists
believe, the new instrument will be able to produce three-dimensional maps
of structures at the molecular level. Also, it will be probably able to
measure the spins of individual electrons. The MRFM combines the ability
of a scanning tunneling microscope to image individual atoms and the capacity
of magnetic resonance imaging to tell one kind of atom from another. However,
the fundamentally new element of the MRFM is the mechanical sensor which
is a silicon cantilever 230µm long and 60nm thick (one-thousandth
the thickness of a human hair) with a magnetized tip. It took several years
of strenuous effort to develop this new sensor which is able to respond
to magnetic signals coming from specific atoms as they resonate in an electromagnetic
field. The 7×10-18N force acting upon the cantilever causes it
to vibrate, these vibrations shift a laser interference pattern, and this
is viewed in an optical fiber interferometer. The MRFM will provide detailed
insight into the structure of complex organic molecules. Source: www-leland.stanford.edu/dept/
Protons to store data
1 May 1997
Karel van Heusden and his colleagues at a research laboratory in the
state of New Mexico, USA, have invented a novel type of short-term memory
for computers. Instead of electrons, it uses protons to store data. The
new device is fabricated from silicon dioxide crystals which often have
lattice imperfections that spawn rogue protons. A way has been found to
align protons on the silicon dioxide wafer by putting it in an electric
field so that they will store a 1 or a 0, and to have them stay put after
the field is turned off. The new device should be easy to manufacture and
can finally serve as an inexpensive substitute for magnetic and other storage
media. Source: sciencenow.sciencemag.org
Optical counterpart of a gamma-ray burst
1 May 1997
As was reported in the previous issue [Physics-Uspekhi 40
(4) 443 (1997)], ground-based telescopes intercepted optical radiation
from the gamma-ray burst (GRB) source numbered GRB 970228 in the BATSE
catalogue. The follow-up observations are bringing in ever new interesting
results. The optical GRB counterpart was gradually but steadily dimming,
and the sensitivity of ground-based telescopes was no longer sufficient
to resolve it. However, the Hubble space telescope has allowed astronomers
to re-acquire the optical counterpart and the nebula of unknown origin
around it. It is not unlikely that the nebula is a distant galaxy. It is
hypothesized that the optical transient is a supernova that turned up in
the way of the gamma-ray burst quite by chance. However, the probability
of such an event is extremely low. The roll-off of the source's X-ray spectrum
on the low-energy side corresponds to the absorption of X-radiation across
the entire thickness of the Galaxy (of the order of 50kpc) and supports
the view that the source is positioned at the edge of the Galaxy or even
far beyond its confines. On the other hand, according to the research team
in charge of analyzing Hubble data, the observations show proper motion
of the faint object associated with the optical transient. The angular
rate of proper motion is so high that, if the physical velocity is 1000
km/s, the object must be within a mere 300 pc of the Earth. If it is true
that the source is moving, then at least some of the gamma-ray bursts must
be of local origin. However, other research teams have not confirmed the
fact of the object's proper motion. The final conclusion will possibly
be drawn after the next series of Hubble observations is completed. Source:
A powerful flare of gamma rays from a distant Galaxy
1 May 1997
As part of their study of high-energy gamma rays of cosmic origin at
an observatory in the mountains of Arizona, USA, astronomers detected an
extended pulse of gamma radiation. They did so when their telescopes picked
up a glow excited in the upper atmosphere. From an analysis of the data
gathered a year ago, the astronomers report that this was the most powerful
stream of gamma rays ever seen from a celestial source. It lasted for several
hours, and its source was Markarian 421, an elliptical galaxy about 400
million light-years from Earth. The gamma rays were probably generated
as matter plunged into a black hole at the galaxy's center. The most surprising
thing is, however, not the immense power of the radiation, but the fact
that it safely reached Earth without having been absorbed in intergalactic
space. Gamma photons of superhigh energies tend to destroy themselves when
they collide with infrared photons emitted by hot gas and dust and filling
intergalactic space. That the high-energy gamma rays suffered no absorption
could mean that the concentration of infrared photons is significantly
lower than expected. Because this concentration is pivotal to many cosmological
processes, the observations in question may have astronomers revise their
ideas about these processes. Source: sciencenow.sciencemag.org
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.