Discovery of the leptoquark?
1 April 1997
For three years now experiments have been under way at HERA, a particle
accelerator in Hamburg, Germany, concerned with deep inelastic collisions
of 820 GeV protons and positrons or electrons with energies of 27.5 GeV,
respectively. In such collisions, positrons interact with individual quarks
inside a proton. The resultant streams of particles are registered by two
independent detectors, Zeus and H1. During the experiments, hundreds of
thousands of such collisions have been investigated. According to the data
gathered by the two groups, the number of observed events is several times
the figure predicted theoretically on the basis of the Standard model of
elementary interactions. The probability of statistical fluctuations able
to cause this discrepancy is not greater than 1%. This result may signify
the presence of unknown fundamental interactions between quarks and leptons
or the existence of new elementary particles, such as the `leptoquark'
with a mass of 200 GeV. The HERA experiments are being conducted by a team
of scientists from 12 countries including Russia. The research goes on,
and the statistical material thus accumulated may throw more light on the
phenomenon. Source: info.desy.de
Is a quantum computer feasible?
1 April 1997
Many scientists think the quantum computer will become a reality only
decades from now. At present, only elementary logical cells have been developed.
The importance of this project is that, being a unified quantum entity,
the quantum computer would be able to make computations many thousand times
faster than the best of existing computers. However, there is also a sceptical
body of thought which holds that the quantum uncertainties arising in the
course of computations would lead to an accumulation of errors to a point
where it would be impossible to use the quantum computer efficiently. To
resolve the problem, theoreticians at the Los Alamos National Laboratory
(California, USA) have compiled a new algorithm of computations for the
quantum computers of the future. The algorithm is based on the multiple
repetition of individual strings of computations. Thanks to the huge speed
of the quantum computer, such repetitions would not tell markedly on its
performance, but would reduce the overall error in computations to an acceptable
level. The fundamental possibility has thus been demonstrated for the quantum
computer to operate properly. Source: www.lanl.gov/Internal/New/pressreleases
Detection of individual molecules
1 April 1997
One way to gather information about the vibrational-rotational states
of molecules is Raman spectroscopy. The fairly weak Raman effect can be
amplified (by 14 orders of magnitude), if a particle of the substance under
study is attached to a metallic particle a few nanometers across. The cause
of such a high amplification remains unknown. Using this technique, researchers
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and their colleagues in Berlin
have devised a procedure whereby individual molecules can be detected.
They have been able to observe individual organic molecules on the surface
of silver particles in a colloidal solution. The advantages of the new
technique are a short observation time and the fact that the experiment
leaves the molecules intact. The detection of individual molecules is of
particular interest for chemistry and biology. Source: Physics News Update, No. 308
The optical counterpart of a gamma-ray burst
1 April 1997
Until now, attempts to reliably identify cosmic gamma-ray bursts with
any known classes of astronomical objects have invariably failed. It was
not even clear if gamma-ray bursts originated in our Galaxy or had a metagalactic
source (for more detail, see UFN 166 743 (1996) [Physics-Uspekhi
39 (7) 695 (1996)]). In March 1997, researchers at Amsterdam University
reported that they had possibly found the source of a gamma-ray burst.
This gamma-ray burst was observed on February 28 by BeepoSAX, a Dutch-Italian
space probe. The gamma-ray burst came from the constellation Orion, and
its position was located to within 1 minute of arc. Soon after that, two
optical telescopes set up in Canary Islands were trained on the same area
of the sky, and on March 8 the scientists noted a growing bright spot in
one of the galaxies. It is highly probable that the gamma-ray burst and
the spot have a common origin. Thus, evidence has been obtained that gamma-ray
bursts are formed in distant galaxies. However, further observations will
be necessary in order that the question of the nature of gamma-ray bursts
can be answered with certainty. Source: Science
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.