Interaction of electrons and protons
1 February 1997
Experiments were carried out on the TRISTAN particle accelerator (Japan)
to get insight into the close encounters of electrons and positrons. As
quantum electrodynamics tells us, electrons (as well as positrons and other
charged particles) are surrounded each by a cloud of virtual particles
which rather strongly shield the core of the cloud, that is, the electron
proper, from the surroundings. Therefore, the observed properties of the
electron are determined in many respects not only by the electron itself,
but by the cloud around it as well. In particular, the cloud reduces the
strength of electromagnetic interaction between the electron and other
particles. In the TRISTAN experiments, electrons and positrons were brought
to within 2×10-16cm of one another. In such a close approach,
the virtual clouds around the colliding particles penetrate into one another.
This weakened the influence of the clouds and made it possible to study
the interaction of electrons and positrons themselves. As should be expected
theoretically, the constant of electromagnetic interaction increased as
the particles moved closer together. In contrast to the experiments at
the E Fermi laboratory, where collisions of protons and antiprotons made
quarks and antiquarks approach to within 10-17cm, the interactions
observed in the TRISTAN experiments were of purely electromagnetic nature
and were not mixed with strong nuclear interactions, thus permitting the
quantum electromagnetic phenomena to be investigated very accurately. The
experimental findings were analyzed by D’Koltick and his coworkers. Source:
Phys. Rev. Lett. (January
Cooling of atoms
1 February 1997
Scientists at NIST and the University of Colorado have developed a new
method to cool neutral atoms. Using a combination of lasers and suitably
configured magnetic fields, the investigators were able to trap a group
of rubidium-87 atoms. Atoms with one of two possible values for spin and,
accordingly, for magnetic moment are less tightly bound in the magnetic
trap than atoms with the other spin value. On escaping from the trap, such
atoms carry away some of the energy given up by the second species upon
collisions, and this serves to cool the atoms remaining in the trap. As
a result of cooling, the rubidium atoms form Bose-Einstein condensates.
Actually, atoms differing in spin direction form two distinct repelling
but partly overlapping subsystems of the Bose-Einstein condensate. The
new technique can be useful in producing Bose-Einstein condensation for
rare isotopes. Source: Physics
News Update, No. 302
A superconducting magnet
1 February 1997
Researchers at the Texas Center for Superconductivity at the University
of Houston have built a superconducting magnet with a magnetic field strength
of 10.1T at a temperature of 42K. A magnet developed previously had a
field strength of as low as 2.3T at a temperature of 4K. In the developing
the new magnet, the researchers had to overcome a number of engineering
difficulties. First, field strength in high-temperature superconductors
is limited by inability to achieve high current density. In the new magnet,
the high current is produced by high-energy proton bombardment. Second,
cracking of the superconducting magnetic material under the action of high
magnetic fields has been eliminated by keeping the applied field as low
as possible during cooling. The problem of preserving the induced field
when the applied field is removed has also been overcome. Still another
problem of maintaining magnetic strength over time has been resolved. Source:
Energy Research News
New Hubble Space Telescope observations
1 February 1997
Intergalactic stars. For the first time ever, the Hubble Space Telescope
has found isolated stars in intergalactic space in the Virgo cluster of
galaxies. These stars are adrift in the common gravitational field of the
cluster and are not related to any of the 2,500 galaxies that make up the
cluster. Some 600 stars, predominantly red giants, have been observed in
a small region of space. This region is more than 300,000 light-years from
the nearest M87 galaxy, far beyond the limits of the stellar halo of M87.
According to one hypothesis, these stars were tossed out of their home
galaxy during a collision of galaxies at the early stage of evolution of
the Virgo cluster. Presumably, intergalactic space should also contain
a significant number of fainter stars not visible in the telescope. All
of these stars may account for 10% of the Virgo cluster's mass. Intergalactic
stars, whose existence has been predicted theoretically, can help astronomers
to study the distribution of dark matter (hidden mass) in clusters of galaxies
and to construct a cosmic scale of distances. Quite likely, these stars
are the source of diffuse radiation from the Virgo cluster observed earlier
by ground-based telescopes. Evolution of a supernova after an explosion.
Ten years after the blast of a supernova designated SN1987A occurred, the
expanding cloud of gas produced by the explosion has become large enough
for its spatial structure to be resolved. The cloud is the shape of a dumbbell
about 0.1 light-year long, which is expanding apart at nearly 107 km/h.
It is not unlikely that the cloud is actually spherical in shape, but the
middle part of the cloud is shadowed by the gas-dust ring around the exploded
star. These observations are extremely important for the theory of stellar
evolution and for the theory of supernova explosion. Black holes at centres
of galaxies. A census of 27 nearby galaxies carried out jointly by the
Hubble Space Telescope and a ground-based telescope in Hawaii has yielded
reliable evidence that three of them may contain supermassive black holes.
This conclusion is based on the observation of the peculiar velocities
of the stars near the centres of the galaxies [see Uspekhi Fizicheskikh
Nauk 166 1230 (1006)]. The masses of the black holes thus discovered
range from 5×107 to 5×108 Sun's masses and are almost proportional to the masses of their host galaxies. That is, more massive galaxies contain
more massive black holes. The observation technique is sensitive in respect
of only massive black holes. Therefore, it is possible that small galaxies
also contain black holes with smaller masses. Source: http://www.stsci.edu/
Black holes in binary systems
1 February 1997
From an analysis of data from Japan's ASCA satellite, researchers at
the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts,
have reported the discovery of black holes in binary stellar systems known
as X-ray novae. An X-ray nova is presumed to consist of a normal star and
a compact object — a neutron star or a black hole. Matter from the normal
star flows to the compact object and gives rise to a flare of X-ray radiation
upon its impact. When matter strikes a neutron star, a sizable proportion
of the energy is converted to radiation. When it strikes a black hole,
the greater proportion of the energy goes under the `event horizon' of
the black hole. As a result, an X-ray nova with a neutron star must look
significantly brighter than an X-ray nova with a black hole. Basing themselves
on this theory, the researchers have examined 9 X-ray novae and concluded
that four of them should contain black holes. An additional argument in
favour of the presence of black holes is the relatively large masses of
the superdense objects compared to those of the compact objects (which
are neutron stars, according to the study in question) in the five remaining
binary systems. Source: Science
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.