Neutrino oscillations
1 June 1996
New results bringing the evidence of neutrino oscillations — the transition
of neutrino of one kind into another — have been obtained at the Los
Alamos National Laboratory. While first reports (see Uspekhi Fizicheskikh
Nauk 165 720 (1995) [Physics-Uspekhi 38 683 (1995)])
were based on the data obtained in 1993-1994, at present information collected
in 1995 is also processed. The increase in statistical material has enabled
the reduction of the influence of background events and in this way made
the conclusion about the oscillations more reliable. The experiments involved
search for anti-νμ→anti-νe transitions by using
anti-νμ from μ+ decay at rest. μ+ were produced
by employing protons accelerated to 800MeV at the Los Alamos Meson Physics
Facility (LAMPF). In collisions of protons with water target π+-mesons
form; μ+ are the product of their decay: π+→ μ+νμ. The νe are detected via the reaction anti-νep→e+n, correlated with a γ from
np→dγ (2.2 MeV). Recording photons due to the last reaction raises
the accuracy in determining the number of e+. If attributed to anti-νμ→anti-νe oscillations, the excess in the observed
e+ number corresponds to an oscillation probability of (0.31+0.11-0.10±0.05)%. Source: nucl-ex/9605003
New theory of sonoluminescence
1 June 1996
Claudia Eberlein of Cambridge University has suggested a new theoretical
explanation of the sonoluminescence phenomenon. The essence of the latter
is in light emission on interaction of ultrasonic beam with air bubbles
in water. Under the action of sound the bubbles shrink and emit light pulses
with a duration of less than 12ps. The radiation spectrum resembles that
of black body with a typical temperature of several thousand kelvins. Earlier
theories attributed the light emission to the plasma formed at shrinking.
According to the theory of C Eberlein, the light is being emitted by `zero-point
fluctuations' of vacuum surrounding the bubble. The rapid motion of air-water
interface changes the dielectric permittivity of the media and facilitates
the conversion of virtual photons into real ones. Source: Physics
News Update, No. 267
One may read about the sonoluminescence in Putterman S J Sci. Amer.
272 (2) 32 (1995) Lofstedt R, Barber B P, Putterman S J Phys.
Fluids A 5 2911 (1993)
Solar activity
1 June 1996
Observations of the Sun carried out by recently launched Solar and Heliospheric
Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft revealed unexpectedly high small-scale activity
on the Sun. SOHO is a joint project between NASA and the European Space
Agency. The spacecraft is on location in space near the L-1 Lagrangian
point (approximately 2 million km from the Earth), where the Earth's and
Sun's gravitational forces balance. This enables solar astronomers to observe
the Sun continuously. Observations in the UV range have shown that small-scale
motion of the medium and other active processes occur on the Sun. Disturbances
are present even within so-called `coronal holes', areas of particularly
low density and temperature where magnetic field lines are open and stretch
out infinitely into interplanetary space. The ultraviolet images revealed
the sources of polar plumes to be seething regions of wildly gyrating magnetic
fields and turbulent solar gases. The brightness of sources and the magnitude
of magnetic field vary rapidly. It is believed that these rapid variations
may lead to the release of significant amounts of energy which contributes
to the corona heating. Near the foots of polar plumes small-scale jets
were discovered. Earlier such jets were observed only in the active regions
of the Sun. Based on the SOHO data researchers hope to better understand
the magnetohydrodynamic processes beneath the visible surface of the Sun.
One of chief aims of the project was also to see if plumes can be positively
identified as the sources of high-speed streams of solar wind that were
observed by spacecrafts. Source: http://www.nasa.gov
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.