Measurements on the HERA accelerator
1 August 1995
The HERA electron-proton accelerator was used in direct measurements
of the gluon density inside the proton. A study was made of the process
of strongly inelastic scattering of electrons by protons. Virtual photons,
emitted by the electron, interact with gluons and this generates hadron
jets detected with the H1 detector. The experiments were carried out in
the hitherto uninvestigated range of kinematic parameters describing the
process. The parameter xg/p, representing the relative momentum
of a gluon, varied within the range
1.9×10-3<xg/p<0.18. The gluon density was found to increase considerably on reduction
in xg/p. The experimental results are in agreement with the available
indirect data on the gluon density. In the majority of cases these indirect
data had been obtained from calculations carried out within the framework
of quantum chromo dynamics and, therefore, the experiments described represent
one more important test of this chromodynamics.
The H1 detector was used for the first time to determine the total
cross section of e+p→νe+hadrons process accompanied
by the transfer of the transverse momentum greater than 25GeV. The W-boson
exchange plays an important role in such momentum transfer. The cross section
was found to be 21.9±3.4±2.0pb, where the first error is
statistical and the second is systematic.
Source: joel@dice2.desy.de
Lifetime of the τ-lepton
1 August 1995
The Stanford linear accelerator was used in determination of the τ-lepton
lifetime by the decay length, the collision parameter, and the differential
collision parameter methods. The measurements were carried out with the
aid of the SLC detector. The τ-lepton originated from the decay of the
W0 bosons. The measurements by these three methods gave
where the first error is statistical and the second is systematic. The
value of T agreed with the average lifetime reported earlier. It is planned
to improve considerably the precision of these measurements in future experiments.
Source: The CLD Collaboration, Stanford Linear Acceleration Centre
Do the physical constants change with time?
1 August 1995
Measurements carried out at the Hawaii University set a new upper limit
to a possible variation in the dimensionless fundamental constants during
cosmological time. The limit is based on extremely fine measurements of
the spectra of H2, Si3+, and C on the basis of the absorption lines
of quasars characterised by a large red shift. Had the fundamental constants
at the moment of the emission of light differed somewhat from the current
values, the spectra would have been deformed. At the level of one standard
deviation the rate of changes in the constants does not exceed the following
values: in the case of the ratio of the electron and proton masses
me/mp, the relative change is (-7.6-9.7)×10-14 per
year; in the case of the fine-structure constant, the corresponding relative
change is (-4.6-4.2)×10-14 per year; the quantity α2
gp(me/mp), where gp is the gyromagnetic ratio of
the proton, changes at the relative rate of (-2.2-4.2)×10-15
per year. The values of the Hubble constant and of the acceleration parameter
were assumed to be, respectively, H0=75kms-1Mpc-1 and q0=0.5. These
limitations can serve to check theories of the Kaluza-Klein type and the
theory of superstrings in which there are solutions with varying fundamental
constants. Source: hu@stalky.ifa.hawaii.edu
Measurements of the electric and magnetic polarisability of the proton
1 August 1995
The electric and magnetic polarisabilities α and β are important quantities
which represent the influence of a constant or a slowly varying electromagnetic
field on the proton. Knowledge of these quantities makes it possible to
understand better the internal structure of the proton. The polarisabilties
α and β were calculated on the basis of the dispersion relationships from
the value of the Compton scattering cross section determined experimentally.
The new experiments were carried out at the Accelerator Laboratory in Saskatchewan.
A new experimental method was used and the photon energies were in the
range 70-148MeV. The photons were detected with a high-resolution spectrometer
containing an NaI(Tl) crystal. The values obtained were: α+β=(15.0±2.9±1.1±0.4)×10-4fm3, α-β=(10.8±1.1±1.4±1.0)×10-4fm3, where the errors are, respectively, statistical, systematic, and that resulting
from the choice of the model. Source: mathan@uinpla.npl.uiuc.edu
The Extracts from the Internet is a section of Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk (Physics Uspekhi) — the monthly rewiew journal of the current state of the most topical problems in physics and in associated fields. The presented News is devoted to the fundamental discoveries of physics and astrophysics. Permanent editor is Yu.N. Eroshenko. It is compiled from a multitude of Internet sources.