Vladimir E. Kataev

Email: kataev@iopc.kcn.ru

A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: ul. akad. Arbuzova 8, Kazan, 420083, Russian Federation
Fax: 7 (843) 273 2253


  1. V.E. Kataev, Yu.S. Greznev, B.Z. Rameev et alAn EPR study of the density of states and effective coupling constant in La2CuO4 doped with Sr or BaPhys. Usp. 39 197–199 (1996)

See also: Yu.S. Greznev, E.F. Kukovitskii, G.B. Teitel’baum, M. Breuer, N. Knauf, B.Z. Rameev

PACS: 76.30.-v, 76.30.Lh

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