Anton Vladislavovich Osipov

Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs
Address: Gorkogo str., 87, office 201, Vladimir, 600000, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (4922) 47 96 06
Fax: +7 (4922) 47 98 88


  1. S.V. Garnov, D.V. Abramov, D.N. Bukharov et alElectrophysics of carbon 1D structures obtained in a laser experiment: models and demonstrationPhys. Usp. 67 109–128 (2024)

See also: D.N. Bukharov, T.A. Khudaiberganov, K.S. Khor’kov, S.V. Zhirnova, A.O. Kucherik, S.M. Arakelyan, D.V. Abramov, S.V. Garnov

PACS: 61.48.-c, 79.20.Eb, 81.07.-b

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