Ivan Yur’evich Eremchev

Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: ul. Fizicheskaya 5, Troitsk, Moscow, 108840, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (495) 851-05-79
Fax: +7 (495) 851-08-86

Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Leninsky prosp. 53, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (499) 135 42 64
Fax: +7 (499) 135 78 80


  1. I.Yu. Eremchev, D.V. Prokopova, N.N. Losevskii et alThree-dimensional fluorescence nanoscopy of single quantum emitters based on the optics of spiral light beamsPhys. Usp. 65 617–626 (2022)
  2. I.Yu. Eremchev, M.Yu. Eremchev, A.V. Naumov “Multifunctional far-field luminescence nanoscope for studying single molecules and quantum dotsPhys. Usp. 62 294–303 (2019)

See also: A.V. Naumov, I.T. Mynzhasarov, M.Yu. Eremchev, D.V. Prokopova, S.P. Kotova, N.N. Losevskii, P.P. Feofilov

PACS: 42.79.-e, 78.55.-m, 78.67.Hc

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