Vladimir Dmitrievich Shiltsev

Email: shiltsev@fnal.gov

Accelerator Physics Center, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Address: Batavia, Illinois, USA
Phone: +1 (630) 840 28 80
Fax: +1 (630) 840 60 39


  1. V.D. Shiltsev “On a new edition of the collected works of M V LomonosovPhys. Usp. 56 738–743 (2013)
  2. V.D. Shiltsev “High energy particle colliders: past 20 years, next 20 years and beyondPhys. Usp. 55 965–976 (2012)

See also: Ya.A. Smorodinskii, G.B. Malykin, B.M. Smirnov, G.A. Goncharov, V.L. Ginzburg, I.L. Fabelinskii, A.P. Silin, M.I. Kaganov, I.M. Frank, V.Ya. Frenkel’, T.O. Vreden-Kobetskaya

PACS: 01.30.Ee, 01.30.Vv, 01.65.+g, 29.20.-c, 29.20.Ej, 29.27.-a, 41.75.Jv, 52.27.Lw, 52.38.Kd

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