Aleksandr Andreevich Philippov

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University)
Address: Institutskii per. 9, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, 141701, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (495) 408-45-54
Fax: +7 (495) 408-42-54

Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Prinseton University
Address: Peyton Hall, 4 Ivy Lane, Princeton, New Jersey, 08544, USA
Phone: +1 (609) 258 38 01
Fax: +1 (609) 258 82 26


  1. V.S. Beskin, Ya.N. Istomin, A.A. Philippov “Radio pulsars: the search for truthPhys. Usp. 56 164–179 (2013)

See also: V.S. Beskin, Ya.N. Istomin, V.L. Ginzburg, Yu.P. Shitov

PACS: 52.35.-g, 95.30.Gv, 97.60.Gb

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