Sergei Vladimirovich Golenetskii

Ioffe Institute
Address: ul. Polytekhnicheskaya 26, St. Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (812) 297-22-45
Fax: +7 (812) 247-10-17


  1. A.L. Lysenko, D.D. Frederiks, G.D. Fleishman et alX-ray and gamma-ray emission from solar flaresPhys. Usp. 63 818–832 (2020)
  2. R.L. Aptekar, A.M. Bykov, S.V. Golenetskii et alCosmic gamma-ray bursts and soft gamma-repeaters — observations and modeling of extreme astrophysical phenomena (100th anniversary of the Ioffe Institute)Phys. Usp. 62 739–753 (2019)
  3. R.L. Aptekar, S.V. Golenetskii, E.P. Mazets et alCosmic gamma-ray bursts and gamma repeaters studies with Ioffe Institute Konus experimentsPhys. Usp. 53 401–406 (2010)

See also: D.D. Frederiks, R.L. Aptekar, A.L. Lysenko, D.S. Svinkin, M.V. Ulanov, A.E. Tsvetkova, G.D. Fleishman, A.T. Altyntsev, A.V. Ridnaia, A.M. Bykov, A.V. Kozlova, E.P. Mazets, V.D. Pal’shin, B.I. Luchkov, V.L. Ginzburg

PACS: 95.55.Ka, 98.70.Rz, 96.60.-j, 96.60.qe, 97.80.Gm, 95.85.Pw

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