Yuri Mikhailovich Yevdokimov

Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Vavilov str. 32, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
Phone: 7(499)135-61-42
Fax: 7 (499) 135-14-05


  1. Yu.M. Yevdokimov, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov et alMultiplicity of 're-entrant' cholesteric structures in DNA liquid-crystalline dispersionsPhys. Usp. 64 947–963 (2021)
  2. Yu.M. Yevdokimov, O.N. Kompanets “Structural nanotechnology of nucleic acids: a liquid-crystalline approachPhys. Usp. 57 615–621 (2014)
  3. V.I. Balykin, A.N. Ryabtsev, S.S. Churilov et alOn the 40th anniversary of the Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 8 October 2008)Phys. Usp. 52 275–309 (2009)
  4. O.N. Kompanets, Yu.M. Yevdokimov “Optical biosensors of genotoxicants based on DNA nanoconstructions and portable dichrometersPhys. Usp. 52 304–309 (2009)

See also: O.N. Kompanets, V.L. Ginzburg, Yu.E. Lozovik, E.I. Kats, S.G. Skuridin, V.I. Salyanov, V.I. Balykin, B.N. Mavrin, V.A. Yakovlev, S.V. Semenov, G.A. Askar’yan, A.V. Gurevich, Yu.G. Vainer, Yu.V. Kopaev, E.L. Feinberg

PACS: 87.64.-t, 61.30.Eb, 64.70.M-, 82.70.-y, 87.85.Qr, 87.85.Rs, 01.10.Fv, 07.07.-a, 87.85.fk

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