Stanislav K. Betyaev

N.E. Zhukovskii Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute
Address: ul. Zhukovskogo 1, Zhukovskii, Moscow Region, 140180, Russian Federation


  1. S.K. Betyaev “On the history of fluid dynamics: Russian scientific schools in the 20th centuryPhys. Usp. 46 405–432 (2003)
  2. S.K. Betyaev “Hydrodynamics: problems and paradoxesPhys. Usp. 38 287–316 (1995)

See also: G.B. Malykin, G.A. Goncharov, V.L. Ginzburg

PACS: 01.65.+g, 47.10.+b, 47.85.Gj, 42.11.+j, 47.27.-i, 47.32.-y

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