Alexander D. Sukhanov

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Address: ul. Miklukho-Maklaya, 6, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation


  1. A.D. Sukhanov, Yu.G. Rudoi “One of Gibbs’s ideas that has gone unnoticed (comment on chapter IX of his classic book)Phys. Usp. 49 531–535 (2006)
  2. V.I. Sanyuk, A.D. Sukhanov “Dirac in 20th century physics: a centenary assessmentPhys. Usp. 46 937–956 (2003)
  3. Yu.G. Rudoi, A.D. Sukhanov “Thermodynamic fluctuations within the Gibbs and Einstein approachesPhys. Usp. 43 1169–1199 (2000)

Signed personalia

  1. V.V. Adushkin, S.I. Anisimov, N.V. Vdovichenko et alIn memory of Andrei Grigor’evich BashkirovPhys. Usp. 50 325–326 (2007)
  2. O.I. Zav’yalov, D.N. Zubarev, B.V. Medvedev et alMikhail Konstantinovich Polivanov (Obituary)Sov. Phys. Usp. 35 (7) 623–625 (1992)

See also: V.L. Ginzburg, A.F. Andreev, L.V. Keldysh, A.N. Skrinskii, G.A. Mesyats, L.P. Pitaevskii, A.M. Prokhorov, E.P. Velikhov, V.A. Matveev, V.A. Rubakov, E.L. Feinberg, B.B. Kadomtsev, Zh.I. Alferov, V.Ya. Frenkel’, A.S. Borovik-Romanov

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